well today I talked with mfa's insurance company and answered the many questions that they had, I had made a formal complaint to the head of the company as when I got the BBB report the managers of mfa stated that I had no feed, hay nor water in the pens with the deer and insulators lying on the ground everywhere,,,welll let me tell you I was upset because one of the managers commented on the nice green hay Ihad out for the deer and asked where I got it, told then and said the price and said it was 3rd cutting alfalfa and it was 7 dollars a bale they told me where I could get it for 5 close by, well when I saw that report about no feed and my animals starving I was LIVID, and I told the adjustor this, he said that had no bearing on the insulator and they should never of stated this, he asked me all kind of questions on the insulator and I told him it was a type of insulator that I never used nor saw in this part of the country, I also told them that mfa would win this one because they had more money than I did, well he asked me where the insulators were now and I told them mfa had them BUT I took a photo of the last one and he asked me to send it to him and you betcha I did, so now I ask is to please pray for this to work in my favor I know it woud not but I have to try
thanks for listening to my gripeing
thanks for listening to my gripeing