what do you think of this tranq gun

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Nov 17, 2010
Bemidji MN

I am looking at buying a tranquilizer gun and would like to hear from others what they think the one I am looking at is the PNEU-DART Model 176B Breech Loading Rifle

This rifle is a CO2-operated dart projector recommended for close range shooting. It is ideal for penned animals and for use in populated areas such as for dog control. Under ideal conditions (no wind) these projectors are accurate to 40 yards. By using the power control valve, caged animals can be shot as close as two yards without injury. Powered by 12-gram CO2 cylinder only.

Model 176B Specifications

* Stock and Action - Benjamin Sheridan

* Overall Length - 41”

* Dart Barrel - .50 cal. Smooth Bore

* Sights - Open

* Weight - 4.72 Ibs.

* Range - 2 feet to 40 yards with 1cc Type ‘P’ Disposable darts

* CO2 Pressure Control - Knurled knob on rear of bolt

Thanks for any help you can give

Bryan, I can't speak about this particular model. What I can say is if your financial means allows the X-Caliber is an awesome rifle and you would be very happy with it.

If your looking to stay on the low cost side I have had and used the model that is the air pump kind for several years. I can't look up the model number on it right now sorry about that. But it loads by opening what is essentially a bolt action style and then sliding the dart in and closing the bolt back up. Then how ever many pumps of air for the length of shot that is needed. I used it as I say for several years and was rather pleased with it. Most shots I used it for back then were between I would say 10' and out to about 70' but longer could also be done I guess. Just never really had to do longer shots.

The only issue really with it was keeping the seals clean and replacing them every so often.
I have the 176b and for the money you cant beat them.If you are small and will only be darting a few times a year this is the model to have.I would not get the pump as i think it would not take long for your deer to relate the noise of pumping the gun to you doing something they dont want you to do.It does not take them long to figure out what you are doing even with a co2 gun.If you have to dart alot and have the big money to pay for the top of the line as roger says i would get it as they are the top of the line.
Thank you guys for the fast reply I am just getting started and will be small for now.


Some more thing to think about Bryan. I like the pump version of that model better than the co2 cartridge version cuz if you're only darting a couple of deer you'll still have to throw the cartridge away with the co2 version when you're done darting. Also on the pump gun you can adjust the velocity of your dart by how many times you pump the gun. I believe on the co2 version you would have to mess with the settings on your gun and I'm not sure how easy that is on that model. As far as the deer associating the pump noise with getting darted. You can either get them used to the pump noise by pumping it around them without darting them or just pumping it away from them before you go to dart them. Just some more information to either help or confuse you.
I have seen some deer that were thought to be used to hearin the pumping and it didnt last long.Once you put them down a time or two they hear that and seeya!!!!The other problem i saw was if say 3 pumps was not enough and 4 MIGHT be a hair to much then what..co2 style you just reach down and turn it down a notch or up a notch and co2 cartridges are pretty cheap at the local wally world!!!You should try to see if anyone has either style close by and im sure they would let you check them out and see what one might work best for you!!!
vikingwhitetails said:
....As far as the deer associating the pump noise with getting darted. You can either get them used to the pump noise by pumping it around them without darting them or just pumping it away from them before you go to dart them....

As Dave says pumping it around them is good prep. Actually no matter what gun you use it will be "something different" in your hands when you walk out there. And anyone who thinks they don't notice that hasn't been in deer very long. I have the X-Cal now that I use for everything, but even as smooth and as fast and easy to use as it is I still start prepping them before hand by walking out there with it and letting them see it, and letting the does smell on it. If I am really concerned about having to do multiple shots in the same pen in a day coming up, I will even go out there with a cartridge in it and do some shooting without darts. Then when the day comes it is like shooting fish in a barrel:D
lilcheeps, I got the pump air rifle if you want to try it walk over some day and try it out. Ive used it only once cause I got a chute and Im set up so that I just use a blow dart when ive needed to tranq.
IndependenceRanch said:
As Dave says pumping it around them is good prep. Actually no matter what gun you use it will be "something different" in your hands when you walk out there. And anyone who thinks they don't notice that hasn't been in deer very long. I have the X-Cal now that I use for everything, but even as smooth and as fast and easy to use as it is I still start prepping them before hand by walking out there with it and letting them see it, and letting the does smell on it. If I am really concerned about having to do multiple shots in the same pen in a day coming up, I will even go out there with a cartridge in it and do some shooting without darts. Then when the day comes it is like shooting fish in a barrel:D

how about a pistol with a lazer sight ? no aiming just hold down by your side and aim the lazer beem and ???? deer wont know what hit them . and then put it back in hoster and go to work , trust me one of the best investments you will ever make .
I agree with the earlier statement about pump versus co2. If you are darting only a few deer, the rest of your co2 is pretty much wasted. We use a pump and have used it in the darting of several hundred deer over ther last 11 years. I have replaced the O-rings once on it and it performs like new. It is the same as the co2 model you are looking at. Pumping it up in the pens is no more a problem than simply carrying it around in front of the deer. You usually have to work harder on getting the next deer no matter what kind of gun you have. I'm not sure you can even sink a dart into their body with a pump gun, unless you are trying to. I have hit them at 10 yards with 4 pumps with no adverse effects. Another thing to consider with a pump is to buy your Xylazine concentrated so that you can tranq with a 1 cc dart. Every one of those several hundred deer I have darted were darted with a 1 cc dart.
I`ll chime in on this one . I`ve used this gun for the past 11 years and the only problem i have seen is if you live in the colder climate states you may wanta make sure you keep that gun warm before trying to dart !! Once that gun gets cold the co2 gun will freeze up and the dart will only go about 5 feet !! So if your out in weather in the teens and it takes you awhile to get that shot be ready to have a missed shot !! Other than that the gun is great for shots 35 yds in depending on the size dart your using !! Steve is right. It`s much better to shoot a 1 cc dart !!!
I have 2 of the pump guns and would have nothing else. No issues at all, If I am darting 2 deer I can carry both in and shoot, pick up and shoot again. I am now buying the concentrated xylaxine and shooting 1cc darts, but in years before I have shot 3 and 4 cc darts with NO issues. I like it

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