UPDATE FROM Richard Mews:
The new database for Whitetail Quest has been updated!!!
Though it might not look a whole lot different, the upgrade to the software will now allow deer farmers to add, edit and update their own farms pedigrees.
You may also notice the recently updated module. Everyday until January 2010, we will be posting new modules such as advanced search features, animal and semen listings through whitetail exchange, notifications each time the pedigree is updated or a new photo or video has been entered to promote your breeder buck and many others to come!
This is a beta testing period for Whitetail Quest as these new features are being added. We are also working on other features that will integrate with The Buck Channel and Whitetail Exchange.
If you farm or pedigree does not appear, let us know. The information is still on our system but might not have been released during the transfer.
To obtain your new login for Whitetail Quest, please contact Richard Mews at 920-855-6713 or email me at
[email protected]
Thank you for your patience during this upgrade.
Richard Mews
Apple Creek Whitetails / Whitetail Quest