Hi guys,
I saw your posts and I want to comment to assure you that the products of The Healthy Herd are not "reversing the laws of physics" and are actually scientifically proven. I have put significant research into the development of our Deer Armour, which does exactly as I claim. It has been proven in in-vitro deer specific laboratory experiments to degrade and destroy the disease-associated prion protein, which is believed to be the etiological cause of CWD. The active ingredient in the Deer Armour formula destroys these prion proteins (and no, it isn't bleach or some ridiculous ingredient). I can not yet make the claim that it will cure CWD as I do not have the in-vivo evidence to back this up, yet. Do I believe it can/will, "yes, I believe so". This will likely come down to Deer Armour's ability to cross the blood brain barrier, which looks promising (and first-pass metabolism will also likely have a role). We do not have all of the answers to this yet. Do I believe at a minimum it will at least prevent the spread of CWD? "Absolutely 100%". Because this is such a controversial and "hot" topic I have to be cautious and specific with my claim because of the great deal of liability involved, thus the forementioned disclaimer. I hope you can try to understand this. I have already answered queries from the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board and a member on the Wildlife Management Institute without hesitation. I understand people's skepticism, but I can assure you I have a great line of products. I hope this helps clear this up for you.
Even if you don't want to believe in the potential effectiveness of the Deer Armour in my products, you cannot deny the superior effectiveness of my deer mineral formula as an attractant and for growing healthier deer (and specifically bigger racks). My product has recently gone public and we are already receiving numerous EXTREMELY POSITIVE reports on its actions as an attractant. I am willing and ready to put my formula head to head with any other product on the market and am confident it will work as well as or better than any of the competition.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
Roger Spear PharmD
owner- The Healthy Herd