young and old buck ?

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Jan 21, 2011
Barnett Mo
hello everyone i am new here and new to deer farming i am wondering if it would be wise to put a buck fawn from this last spring in with a 3yo tey are the only bucks i have thanks Nick
The three year old would have to have his antlers cut, even then i would be hesitant to put them in a small pen together, if the pen is large enough for the little guy to get away from the older one for the first few weeks (until they settle their dominance issues)

then i think you should be alright.
thanks the pen is about 2.5 3 acers and the 3yo has his rack cut off was going to wait until spring when i pull the does out was going to put the 2 togther heres anouth ? i have been trying to upload some pics of the 3yo so i can see what eberyone thinks of him and it keeps say file upload failed am i doing some thing wrong
Daywood. the reason your file want upload is more than likely the file size is to big.. When posting pics the file size can't be larger than 97.7KB. size Max width 620 max height 480.

To fix this you can do three things:

1. Change your settings on your camera to the lowest risalution (Has to be done before pic is taken)

2. If you have microsoft office than you have MS picture manager on pic in this program click the edit button and you can change settings on the right hand side,

3. Like Antlershed said photobucket. Some websites will only let you upload pics from websites like this they're called "img" Meaning that the picture has to be hosted on the internet so that it doesn't take up their space.

All so here you can upload a photo and just click on the size you want it and it will crop for you.

Another good use for photobucket is if you don't have a website you can give people your photobucket address and they can view photo albums that you have uploaded.

Hope this helped.

Just a FYI to check the file size of a pic right mouse click on it and choose properties in the middle you will see the size of the file.

Remember no larger than 97.7kb will upload.;)
thanks for the advice on the pic problem i got it to work and now have pics of my 3 yo on here take a look let me know what everyone thinks thanks agin for the help

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