
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. WillPenn Whitetails

    YOUNG BLOOD... does it again!

    I went down to Barkley Young's today to take some pictures. To say that these guys are consistent at putting BIG FRAMES on the ground year after year would be an incredible understatement! The following Hoss, Jailbird, Wildman, and King Pin sons are looking AWESOME! His pen of yearling bucks...
  2. B

    Fawns with blood in stool.

    I have a one week old fawn with blood in stool.I was wondering what this could have been?It seems to have stopped.
  3. J

    Blood Meal in feed

    I am new at the deer farming game. I was wanting to know if anyone has used blood meal in their feed? what are the advantages and disadvantages of using these type products? Please help with any information. Thanks
  4. C

    blood in urine???

    Went out to check on the deer this morning and in the doe pen(5 of them) and noticed 3 or 4 different spots where there is blood in urine. Not sure which one it is as they all seem to be acting normal and eating. What could this be from? And once I find out which one it is, is there anything...
  5. P

    TB Blood Test Info

    I received this info on TB testing today if anyone is interested. TB Blood Test! If you are scheduled to TB test your "Elk, Reindeer, or Whitetails" this winter, please contact Shawn Schafer, 651-212-1315 [email protected] As I travel throughout the industry, I am often...
  6. M

    Blood in urine......

    :( Well, went outside about 20 min ago to poop-scoop and noticed blood on the ground. Stomach in knots....... Went searching - lifted Nina's tail - no blood present, lifted Faline's tail....found blood....... I know it's getting close to "that time.......heat" but don't ever remember blood in...
  7. redwood_river_whitetails

    Bright red blood on fawn

    Any ideas of why a buck fawn on the doe would have bright red blood coming from his butt? No runny poop....just blood. He is very sick and sure he is going to die, but just want some ideas as to what it could be. We are going to have a necropsy done when he dies. This is something that...
  8. A

    blood butt

    We have a fawn that has been bleeding out of his butt we have no idea why. Any Ideas??:confused:
  9. T

    2yr old doe has blood in backend

    i have 2 does in 1 pen that just gave birth the first time this year . the 1 doe has been coughing alot so i dewormed them with safeguard pellets . she looks well been eating good an drinking water looks healthy except this morning i noticed blood spot inside the shed an some mucus in another...
  10. Russell

    TB Blood Test Research Update

    TB Blood Test Research Funded by Cervid Industry in 2009 The Cervid Livestock Foundation, along with several other state and national associations, funded another TB blood test research project in 2009. In 2008, the Elk Research Foundation and the Cervid Livestock Foundation granted $25,000...
  11. C

    Blood in feces

    This came from a doe that gave birth last night. I found this around 2 o'clock. Would this be Coccidea or something else? If you cant tell there is mucus between the blood and the feces. Thanks.
  12. F

    Blood in Stool

    I know I caused quite a ruckus (is that how u spell it?) last time when I started a new thread but I got another question. My runt buck fawn (9 days old) went from having diarreah for the first three days, to having good solid poo the last five, and now he is still having solid poo but there...
  13. roughcountrywhitetails

    Blood in stool

    I am bottle feeding a doe fawn she is out of triplets and was born on the 18th she has been taking 4 to 5oz each feeding 4 times a day her last 2 feedings she would not take the bottle when I stimulated her to poop this is what I got. ANY IDEAS? :confused: