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  1. N

    Broken Jaw.... What do you think?

    :mad: One of our three year old bucks broke his jaw. What do you think, put him down, or see if he heals????
  2. H

    Treating a broken antler

    Hello everyone: I have a three year old that damaged a main beam. The end snapped off and is hanging by a piece of velvet. There is no bleeding and the cut piece is dark in color, not red with blood. I have been keeping a close eye for flys and maggots and have not seen any, however, last...
  3. D

    fawn with broken leg

    I had a doe that had two fawns 1 1/2 hours ago. One that has a broken front leg between the knee and ankle. Would you pull the fawn now, or in the morning so it could get the colostrum from the doe. The mother is cleaning it. looks like she is taking care of it. When I pull it I was going...
  4. H

    How do you tell if a deer's neck in broken?

    My yearling buck was being chased by a dog and hit the fence and went down. We think his neck may be broken since he is not getting up. We don't want to put him down if there is any other option. Any suggestions would be helpful as we are desparate for information as soon as possible! Thank you!
  5. T

    Broken jaw

    If a button buck breaks his lower jaw does it mess his antler growth up for the next year? Or every year? Not sure what happened he was the only deer in the pen that was hurt. He may have hit the fence while playing or the breeder buck in the next pin might not like him sniffing around his pen...
  6. S

    Any luck with broken neck?

    Have a bottle fed buck fawn about 6 months old who hit the fence a couple of days ago. Now his neck has a lump and appears that his entire neck does not align correctly with his body. He obviously does not feel well. We think his neck is broken. Anything we can do for him - other than put him down?
  7. Predator3

    Doe with broken toe

    We have a 2 year old doe that appears to have a broken toe on her left rear foot. There is a line on the black part of the hoof about 1/2" from her skin and seems to be extremely flexible. She won't hardly put weight on it. Looking for suggestions on what we should do. 5361:Hoof pics 001...
  8. D

    Fawn with a Broken Leg

    We have a small whitetail deer farm in Ohio -- -- and my question is...our two month old bottle fed buck fawn broke his back leg last night...above the knee (about an inch or so) and it was kind of my husband put a splint on it and wrapped it with an ace...
  9. redwood_river_whitetails

    Bottle fawn with broken leg

    Found one of my bottle fawns with a broken back leg this morning. It is broke below the bone sticking out. Wondering what everyone thought I should do. Was thinking of wrapping with cotton and some vet wrap to stabilize and putting her in a smaller pen to let heal. Or should...
  10. J

    Fawn with Broken Jaw

    I walked into a pen Sunday morning and found something none of us like to find. The jaw was hanging down on this fawn about three inches from the tip of the nose. This doe fawn has been running around playing after it nurses from its mother every morning for the last two weeks. Hitting the...
  11. D

    doe with broken leg need input

    hi my best doe ran and smacked off the fence she is aied and ready to fawn in the next few weeks. her rear right leg broke just above her knee she is able to walk but the rear leg just dangles the bone didnt break any skin nor was there any bleeding what should i do any helpfull input will work...
  12. South Alabama Whitetails

    Broken Leg

    I had 3 dogs come to my pen today and try to get in. The predator wire kept them out but they chased the deer around the pen causing them to hit the fence. One of the deer is walking with her back bowed up, I am assuming internal injuries. I ahve another one with a broke leg. Will this heal...
  13. T

    Doe with broken jaw...

    Has anyone experienced a doe with a broken lower jaw?? It appears it is towards the tip of the mouth. Watching her try to pick up crab apples it seems like she cant bite them because the tip of her lower jaw wont shut tight enough. I am wondering if she will be fine eating the regular feed or if...
  14. W

    Broken Main beam advice

    I was wondering if anyone might be able to give me some advice. We knocked one of our breeders down last week on Friday. He cut his main beam really deep on the inside. We cleaned it out really good and than we played the waiting game. It looked like it was going to heal. All of the sudden it...
  15. Edgemoor

    Need advice on a broken antler

    I have a three year old buck (Rampage) with a broken tine. He did the same thing last year about this time. Last year I darted him with Draxxin to stave off infection. As you can probably see in the second picture the flies are really bad right now. Should I dart him with Draxxin again? Should I...
  16. R

    Broken jaw?

    I have a yearling doe that has what looks be an abcess, called vet and he said to us a syringe and check the fluid, said if it there is blood in the fluid it could be a broken jaw and I would have to put her down, anyone know anything else we can do? We are going to draw the fluid later tonight...
  17. W

    Broken shoulders?

    Here's one I bet you didn't hear yet!! On Sunday there was a bad car accident down the road from our deer pens. The poor young girl needed to be cut out of her car and life-flighted to the hospital. Where do you think they landed the helicopter? Yes... 30 feet from our pens!!!:eek: The whole...
  18. D

    Broken Hoof what do you do?????

    I have a yearling buck that has a cracked hoof about an inch back from the tip it is obviuosly very sore as he will not put any weight on it.......the crack looks like it runs the whole way through but the nail is still attached......has anyone ever encountered something like this and what did...