
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. T

    Buck Flapping His Mouth With Foam Or Saliva

    My buck is flapping his mouth and making sound with foam or saliva coming out . Anybody know what this might be ? Could it be worms or ? Please help me out on what might be wrong . Thanks
  2. K

    South Tx buck

    Hello everyone, never posted pics before but pretty excited about this buck. I'm a small breeder with only 22 dee,r 11 bucks and 11 does, out of Marty Berry's pure south tx Genetics. Bought 4 bred does to start a few years ago and have been AI'ing since and I am excited about this 2 year old...
  3. E

    Elam Woods Whitetails 2012 buck video

    Follow this link to watch our vidoe of our 2102 Bucks at Elam Woods Whitetails. Enjoy!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQx76pnQml0&feature=em-share_video_in_list_user&list=UUrTaTtdALgcZsB936hr1Lzw Bill Holdman Elam Woods Whitetails Ph 318-381-1534
  4. S

    2012 Buck Channel Videos

  5. P

    Will a 6 month old buck breed this fall?

    Just curious as to the different opinions on this. He is very large and was a single fawn. Obviously the only reason I'm considering taking this chance is based on his pedigree. Thanks for your thoughts. Sam 270-705-4992
  6. L

    Buck fawns

    Thought I would start a new thread and see what everybody elses buck fawns are looking like. These are Tombstone fawns. I am pretty excited about them. I personally have never had a buck fawn with knots this big in August. It is usually late December before have anything like this. Does any one...
  7. Antlershed

    buck tore velvet- question

    on Thursday morning I was putting out hay in the breeder pen, I saw a pretty good blood trail....I knew it had to be my breeder buck, I looked at him with the binoculars, he broke a 2" kicker, it is bent down but still on. the velvet is torn, but now it looks black and scabbed up. I have been...
  8. La. Bone Collector

    Criteria for a yearling buck breeder?

    Please list your personal criteria in no particular order, for choosing a yearling as backup/breeder. Antler dimensions, spread ,configuration, pedigree etc .Im looking and have found one im looking at pretty hard. If I can decide I will post pictures soon.
  9. B

    INTRODUCING ***CASHWOOD*** Yearling Buck

    Yearling breader buck for sale call jim warner at 419-466-2286
  10. W

    Buck with cold antlers

    I have a buck that was very congested in the head and had thick chunks of puss looking stuff coming out of his nose and he had lots off drool hanging from his mouth and looks like he is breathing heavy. He also had watery diarreha. I gave him draxxin, dex, banimine, and b-12 a few days ago and...
  11. D

    Buck trying to breed

    I have a buck that keeps trying to breed one of my yearlings is it possible for her to be in heat or is he just being a horny yearling
  12. K

    Why do buck fawn die but not doe fawns

    Each year I loose buck fawns but never doe fawns they are all in the same pen, anyone have commets on this?
  13. C

    2 year old buck

    I have a two year old buck that just started to have one ear hanging, dont know why he seems fine other than that ear just being plain lazy it seems. anyone know what could be causing him to do that? Or have an opinion!
  14. D

    Sick Buck fawn for three to four weeks... pull and bottle feed or leave on mom??

    Ok guys buck fawn born 5/13/2012 noticed about four weeks ago he was getting weaker. caught him week and half ago gave him an antiobiotic and Banamine ... looked better not great then started downhill again.... treated again with same did ok for two days not back to laying by feeder all day...
  15. P

    buck pictures needed for pedigrees

    Does anyone have pictures of Thunderhead, AGN Greenhorn, Dream Tonto and Rancher that they could share ? I am working on pedigrees and can't seem to locate any pictures of these guys. Thank you in advance
  16. roughcountrywhitetails

    need help with buck fawn

    I have a buck fawn that I have been treating for 4 days now I first thought he was dehydrated but when he stands up to walk he just spins counter clock wise. I have given antibiotics, steroids, banamine, vit b complex, 200 ml of fluid sq each day and have got him to drink out of a bottle...
  17. D

    looking for info on buck

    I am looking for ped and pics of a buck i bought semen in a package deal his name is Maxlou any help would be appreciated Thanks Nick
  18. C

    help with 9 day old buck fawn

    I have a buck fawn that is 9 days old was doing fine but I been noticing for a few days he has no balance no strenght I see him suck on the dam, his belly seems to be bloated, he tries to run and just go sideways are wobble around like he has no balance at all. I tried bose, vitiman B...
  19. allenb

    Bottle fed buck pics.

    This is a spin off from the other thread. When you see a buck like this ya better stay on your side of the fence. The last two years he has acted like this from mid September to March when he sheds. These pics were taken December 4th.:eek::eek::eek: The buck in the background is bottle fed also...
  20. R

    Velvet buck hunt

    I have a friend wanting to harvest her first buck this year, she is looking for an archery velvet buck hunt. Not a monster buck just a nice first buck. Something in the 2500.00 dollar range, if anyone will have anything just let me know.