
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. L

    Oklahoma Classic

    Does anybody have the results of the Oklahoma auction I missed lots 27 thru 33. Things seemed to be pretty cheap, hope its not a sign of things to come.
  2. J

    Whitetails of Oklahoma Classic Lot #44 Breeder buck

    Red 612 Will be sold at auction this Saturday Aug 1st in OKC . He is a three year old out of Waldvogel genetics . The buck belongs to Travis and David Barker. Barker Boys Whitetails Kingston Okla. Thanks Jerrell
  3. B

    Great Lakes Classic Show Specials-free delivery to the auction while room is availabl

    BF Products will be attending the Great Lakes Classic Premium Whitetail Deer Auction in Shipshewana In. on August 20-22. I am taking advanced orders for materials you may need and I will have them at the show for your pickup which will save you money on shipping. Space is limited so PLEASE DON'T...