
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. S

    6-8 gallons of water a day

    This seems out of the ordinary. I have a 6 year old buck that has been drinking 6-8 gallons of water per day and eating very little, less than a pound of feed per day. He appears to have no health issues whatsoever. Though, he is in the pen where he has been all his life, but he is by himself...
  2. J

    The day has come...

    ...that PA has a confirmed case of CWD. Any new implications from this news?
  3. G

    Paradoxical Quote of The Day

    i add this here because this is a current post ,,, Paradoxical Quote of The Day From Ben Stein: "Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen." Now add this, "Many of those who refuse, or are...
  4. C

    help with 9 day old buck fawn

    I have a buck fawn that is 9 days old was doing fine but I been noticing for a few days he has no balance no strenght I see him suck on the dam, his belly seems to be bloated, he tries to run and just go sideways are wobble around like he has no balance at all. I tried bose, vitiman B...
  5. Wild Rivers Whitetails

    Wild Rivers Whitetails - new time and day

    Starting this week, Wild Rivers Whitetails will air at 10 PM central time, Wednesday night on the Pursuit channel. It will aso air at 9:30am central time on Tuesdays. Stations reserve the right to move shows around each quarter, and during the summer months when it is light out until 9 pm...
  6. W

    Only 1 more Day Left to send in your Consignment!!

    Great Lakes Classic: August 17 & 18, 2012 Only 1 more Day Left to send in your Consignment!! Deer Breeders, There is only one day left to send in your lots for consideration for the 2012 Great Lakes Classic whitetail auction in Shipshewana, IN on August 17 & 18, 2012. We will only be...
  7. D

    Happy fathers day!

    Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it! I am so blessed to have the earthly Father God has given he has definitely adhered to the scripture above!! I am trying to do the same for my son.....Amen! I am not only thankful for...
  8. D

    just to start the day right.

    How do you starve an Obama supporter? It's really very simple. Just hide their food stamps under their work shoes.
  9. B

    13 day old will not suck the bottle

    13 day old fawn will not suck the bottle. I have struggled with her since the day i pulled her. She wants the bottle, but acts like see never learned to suck. I have try to hold her to teach her but she just fights then when she doesnt want to fight any more she'll just sit their with the nipple...
  10. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Memorial day! Thank you!

    Just wanted to say THANK YOU! To ALL the Men & Women who have sacrificed so much to keep us all safe!:)
  11. S

    It's a sad day at Black Warrior Whitetails.

    I just had to put "Spencer the Guard Mule" down. We think Oppossum feces was the culprit. Or some type of poison. He went down in less than 24 hours. I noticed him stumbling around this morning. I found him having a seizure when I got home from work. He was 13 and had been in the family for 8...
  12. BMAYES

    CIDR Pulled Day Early

    I am scheduled to pull CIDRs at 5:00 am tomorrow morning. When I moved the does out of their pen this afternoon I found a CIDR on the ground by the gate. I don't think this CIDR was there early this morning but can' be 100% sure. I guess I will find our which doe lost the CIDR early in a few...
  13. alpha and omega whitetail

    Happy Mothers Day

    I want to wish all the Mothers out there a Happy Mothers Day and to you Fathers who have been left to finsh life and raising children by yourselves, Happy Mothers Day to you too.
  14. S

    National Prayer Day

    I trust everyone has enjoyed this day. My family went to our local gathering at the courthouse square yesterday evening to begin our special prayers. About 600 adults there from a county w/ 20,000 people. We all expected over 1,000 to be in attendance.
  15. B

    Bottle feeding 2x's a day

    Can you bottle feed fawns 2x's a day? Does anyone know of anyone that has done it and what their results were. Thanks, Big D
  16. S

    Australia Day

    G'day every one,wish you were here I'd shout you all a cold one.Today is the anniversary of a dozen or so leaky boats full of convicts landing on this big brown land to scratch out a living,it was 1788.There was at least a half million people here already,which the English conveniently...
  17. S

    G,day from OZ

    Love the forums. Lots of great info & advice. Thanks for letting me join
  18. IndependenceRanch

    I SOOOOOO much want to try this some day! He got some great pics!
  19. A

    Happy Fathers Day

    Hoping all Fathers have a Blessed Fathers day.
  20. Whitetail Sanctuary

    What time of day did you fawn ?

    Was just wondering what time did your does fawn ? Mornings,Evenings, Mid Day or at Night. Was just wondering ? Just one of those things you wonder while waiting on you does to pop! :D