
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. W

    Final growth updates! September 2009

    It looks like most of the bucks are done growing out there. I was sorry to hear about the loss of Sudden Impact and Bam Bam. Sam and the Flees family my heart goes out to you guys. We lost Lil' Russ this last Monday from the same thing. Its always hard when you have an animal that you take so...
  2. South Alabama Whitetails

    Late horn growth

    My buck did not start growing horns until May. He shed his horns late April. Will he grow horns for a certain length of time or will he be cut short on growth? what controls horn growth?
  3. W

    July growth update

    Here are some pictures from our farm yesterday. I see some really good looking bucks growing out there.
  4. S

    Antler Growth

    Well, seems like a good time to discuss this question that goes through my mind at this time of year. Questions: What do you think about the speed of growth?? Does a buck that grows faster than "usual" get a bigger rack (tine length, beams , mass) than one that is growing at a slower rate...
  5. D

    Antler Growth Tracking website - weekly updates

    We are photographing 8 different bucks ages 1-4 every Tuesday and posting on Wednesday at the link below: I thought other deer farmers might enjoy following along here.
  6. F

    Antler growth

    Guys, I'm enjoying Christmas every day watching the first ever antlers grow in my pen. I have 4 yearling bucks, and one is really outgrowing the other four. He will be 12 months old June 1. He has main beams to the edge of his ears, g1's and g2's. His beams are beginning to curve forward...
  7. I

    Buck Growth Blog!

    Hey everyone. I just started up a blog to follow the buck growth this year over here at Apple Creek. If you want to subscribe to it and follow it, that would be awesome. But you can always just head over there to check it out anytime you are curious. The address is...
  8. B

    Yearling Antler Growth

    I think it would be interested to see some yearling growing. Last year the yearlings in the industry looked awsome. We need to watch them grow out. Lets see em guys!
  9. WillPenn Whitetails

    Watch Sudden Impact's growth online

    I found this link on Biologic's website. Looks like they will have weekly updates of his progress over the summer. Check it out
  10. T

    Does corid affect antler growth ?

    I tried to search the old forum, but didn't come up with a whole lot. I knew some of you guys have prob had experience with this. If a buck gets the treatment along with the rest of the herd will it affect or stunt his antler growth?