
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. AnthonyWR

    Cwd found on hunting preserve

    Did anyone get this email? CWD in domestic Cervids. This is a big herd with “satellites”. 2. Chronic Wasting Disease Found in Marathon County [WI] Wisconsin Ag Connection December 3, 2013 A white-tailed deer on a hunting preserve in Marathon County has tested positive for chronic...
  2. H

    Planning a 2014 Elk Hunting trip

    This thread is mainly to get insight and information from those of you that have already gone on an Elk hunting trip.  I am planning a trip in 2014 and not really sure on where to go.  For those of you that would be so kind to either call me at 740-630-1996 or email me at [email protected] and...
  3. J

    Trade hunting for AI service and semen

    I am going to be in Texas November 9th, I will be just west of San Antonio on I-10. I am looking to hunt feral hogs, javalina, coyote, and possibly some exoitcs. I would be happy to trade my services to AI your animals, and I have semen I can trade if your interested. I would be looking for a...
  4. ohdeer

    Bear Hunting and deer farmers-Pictures

    Well, the 2013 season with Bear Essential Wilderness Adventures (the Barks boys) was a great success. Normally offering Spring bear hunts on our trapline area in northern Saskatchewan, this year we sold out tags (10 in total) with a special limited edition fall bear hunt as well for the last...
  5. SJames

    Missouri Whitetail Breeders and Hunting Ranch Association Meeting and Fundraiser!!!

    I want to start a thread to promote our annual fundraiser which we have scheduled for Friday August 9th and Saturday August 10th at the Lodge of the Four Seasons on gorgeous Lake of the Ozarks. We are planning by far our biggest and best one ever and have included all kinds of activities for...
  6. D

    Ohio hunting...

    Here's my upcoming SCI ad with a monster 9x9 bull harvested last fall...
  7. C

    Deer hunting lic.?

    How many Deer farmers out there buy a deer hunting lic. I'm kinda confused as to why BUY a piece of paper to shoot our deer we own as tax payers. Not trying to stir the pot!!! Just curious ?!? With a smile. Charlie.
  8. SJames

    Missouri whitetail breeders and hunting ranch association fundraiser

    Missouri is in the process of trying to pass a bill through the legislature that moves total control of captive whitetail deer to the Department of Agriculture. We really need help from all of our deer farming friends and supporters. We are currently running an auction on Whitetail Exchange for...
  9. T

    Website and Video Created to Promote Conservation Hunting

    Please visit A new website has been created to promote the merits of conservation hunting. In response to the untrue myths related to hunting, several deer, elk, and exotic associations along with industry supporters came together to create this website and five...
  10. L

    Scimitar-horned Oryx hunting in Texas

    After receiving the federal permits, La Coma Ranch can now offer hunts for Scimitar-horned Oryx and other exotics
  11. W

    New high Fence hunting ranch in pa

    Warnerswhitetails and bell mountain estate has just teamed up in making a high fence hunting ranch. Please come check us out tell us what you think or follow us on Facebook. We are so happy to finally be a part of industry.
  12. Antlershed

    Ohio guys, advice for deer hunting lease.

    I know there are some Ohio guys here on the forums. I am looking for some advice, I would really appreciate any tips. Let me give you a little info on what I've been doing with some Ohio leases and what I would like to do in the future. Two years ago my father and I decided the deer here in PA...
  13. Wicked Whitetails

    Midwest Whitetail Hunting Shows For the last two years my brother and I have been filming for Midwest Whitetail. Since things have been slow on the forums I...
  14. U

    Jordan’s hunting wish comes true!

    Jordan harvested this awesome buck scoring around 150 at Wilderness Whitetails in Rosholt, WI. His father Jason said, “Kids need the outdoors to enjoy life to the fullest and my son truly enjoy his hunt.” Many thanks for the continued support from Wilderness Whitetails and Wildlife Gallery who...
  15. O

    hog hunting in ohio

    i am looking for a hunting preserve in ohio that sells wild hog hunts .any info would be great.thanks.
  16. A

    Apple Creek Whitetails Hunting Preserve 2012

  17. South Alabama Whitetails

    Hunting Club Opportunities

    The hunting clubs are beginning now to have their annual meetings and set rules for the new year. In the last month I have been invited to speak at two clubs about raising quality deer. Most of the members had never heard of deer farming and knew vary little about high fence hunting. I was...
  18. SJames

    Missouri Whtetail Breeders and Hunting Ranch Association Video

    Here is the brand new video MWBHRA made to help educate every one about what we do in this great industry. Bill Pittenger has led the program to help educate our legislators and the general public. We plan on taking the offensive in this battle and nip the negative propaganda in the bud...
  19. H

    Hunting World doesn't know

    This weekend we had some farm visitors. It was not their intentions on visiting a deer farm it was their fate and it just happened. First was a pair of guys from Michigan looking for a place to hunt. I was not here but Tina was and she showed them our deer. The two of them did not know...
  20. A

    Hunting Preserve Photos 2011

    Welcome all to post photos on your hunting preserve. This is why we are in business to serve the customer ( The Hunter )