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  1. M

    Deer losing hair severe!

    Hello all, I just love this site and all of you that have experiance and knowledge to share to us that don't. About a week ago we noticed that one of our yearling does was starting to lose her hair around her belly area. The day after that we noticed another one had some patches of lost...
  2. H

    Need Help with Sick Buck losing velvet

    We have a buck on our preserve that seems to be ill, but we aren't sure what the cause is, or what to do for him. He has always been very healthy, but the last trail camera photo we got of him, he is suddenly thin, and his velvet is peeling off even though the rack isn't done growing. The only...
  3. M

    Fawn losing hair bad

    We have a fawn that is almost a month old and when he was born he had no hair on his face. Over the last couple weeks he has lost all the hair off his legs up to his knees. We are concerned if he is going to get hair by time winter gets here. Is there anything that we can give him or not.
  4. Droptine

    Losing fawns - Need advice

    I've lost several fawns in the last few weeks for no apparant reason. These were all 6-8 week old fawns. My neighbor 10 minutes has had the same problem. I just wormed a couple of months ago and worming again now through corn and feed. I'm thinking about adding some antibiotics to the feed...
  5. T

    Fawn Losing Hair

    Just wanting some thoughts on a fawn that is beginning to lose her hair. She is a runt triplet and just over 3 weeks old. She has been eating great and stool has been fine the entire time but lately she go an infection in her ear where she had her ear tag. We removed the eartag and got all that...