
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. J

    Open And Bred Does For Sale

    Red Ridge Whitetails is offering some incredible does For Sale this fall. Follow the Attached link to our "For Sale" page of our website. While browsing the pedigrees feel free to give me a call to discuss anything that catches your eyes. Some of these does have brothers and sons on the ground...
  2. ToddM

    August Fawn and Open Doe Sale on Whitetail Exchange

    August Fawn and Open Doe Sale Wednesday, August 20, 2014 marks the date for the next big fawn sale on Whitetail Exchange. This will be a No Reserve Auction and is open to all live animals. The timing of this sale leans toward 2014 Fawns and Open Does, but all animals are welcome. Live...
  3. W

    2014 NaDefa Spring Open Auction Catalog ONLINE LINK

    The upcoming Nadefa Spring Open Auction is coming up this March 22nd in Birmingham, AL. Following is a link to the online version of the Catalog, but most of you should have received your catalog in the mail by now. If you need to be added to our permanent mail list, find our mail list...
  4. T

    CWD Standards Version 23 now Open for Public Comment

    From the American Cervid Alliance News Room December 31, 2014   18pxCWD Standards Version 23 now Open for Public Comment ACA Leaders to Distribute Breakdown of Remaining Concerns AYR, NE- The American Cervid Alliance received word today that the CWD Program Standards Version 23 has been...
  5. D

    Open sore-wound

    I have doe that looks like a chunk of her skin has came off. Not sure if another deer bit her or what happened. It looks like what you would see when you were a kid and fall off your bike or something. the skin is just gone. It is back by her tail so she is able to lick at it. It doesnt look...
  6. T

    bred or open

    i have 3 does that were cervically ai'ed ,with no clean up buck used. also have one doe that was ai'ed followed with a clean up buck. one doe urinates on her hock pads and rubs them together, the other three urinate on the ground. does this indicate the one being open? she is also the dominate...
  7. R

    Fawn can not open eyes

    Had a set of very small twins born this morning. One appears normal but tiny the other looks premature, short hair, wrinkly skin, awkward legs, white tipped hooves, and eyes that won't open. I tried to pry the eyes open but gave up in fear of damaging the eyes. I have raised over 500 fawns and...
  8. B

    Buckeye Spring Breeder Auction lots are now open for bids on Whitetail Exchange

    We are now accepting bids for all auction lots at,category,1981,parent_id,categories Any bids received through Whitetail Exchange will be used as a starting bid at the auction.
  9. D

    MI Borders Open???

    Whats the news on the borders? Can we transport deer in and out yet? If they are open, what criteria do you have to have? TB, CWD....etc.
  10. B

    Silent auction lots are open for bids on WT Exchange

    The silent auction lots for the Buckeye Fall Breeder Auction are now open for bids on WT Exchange,category,1980,parent_id,categories
  11. B

    Round Open Sores?

    I'm really hoping someone can help, I've been finding numerous open sores about the size of a dime on a lot of my fawns. In most cases they've scabbed up and healed over but I had one case that kept getting worse and it was the size of a baseball when I finally had to sew it up. I don't have any...
  12. A

    Here's my NADeFA open lot- check it out

    Twin yearling brother out of Exxon! Choice pick of the two, pick now or in the fall after growed out. Thank you for looking Top Dog est 180'' 6918:8-4-10 015. Top Shot 160 2/8 6919:8-4-10 035.
  13. C

    Since NFL Football season is open

    Since NFL Football season is open I thought we should take a few shots at our least favorite teams or a few shots just to bug someone cheers for __________. I will start by repeating from a previous post the I was glad that Brett was going to play another year because now I know of two...
  14. S

    Open areas behind eyes and ears

    I've got a fawn that is very healthy except for having open areas behind her eyes and several spots on her ears. I've noticed that she scratches alot so it must itch. It might have started as bug bites. Any suggestions on what I could apply to solve this problem? I put polysporin on a few...
  15. C

    open wound

    i have a doe fawn that i noticed today that was sliced open which had to have happened over night. not positive on how it happened, its about the size of a quarter or half dollar right on top of her front shoulder blade. i only have 5 deer and just purchased and released the 5th doe which is a 4...
  16. H

    Alabama Open or Closed Borders

    Alabama Borders do you wont them Open or closed? Alabama members only poll
  17. R

    One Simple Idea - Whitetail Exchange Open House Night

    After reading various posts on this site, I feel compelled to comment and offer up a brand new idea and promotion. Whitetail Exchange Open House Night Across the Country! My name is Richard Mews and I am the developer of the NEW Whitetail Quest and webmaster for Whitetail Exchange...
  18. J

    Open or Closed borders

    Are You for Open Borders, Closed Borders or Not important
  19. Russell

    Open vs closed state borders

    We had some excellent discussions regarding the merits and benefits of closed vs open state borders in a previous post that had to be deleted. I am opening this thread to continue that discussion in a somewhat more private forum. So jump right in and state your views (politely off course...
  20. S

    Mississippi has bill to open up deerfarming

    Mississippi SGRA Members and Friends, We are poised to achieve a major milestone in our effort to bring Mississippi into the deerfarming world. The bill SGRA sponsored this year in the legislature was debated in committee today and will be put to the floor for a vote this week. If you want...