
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. D

    Real sick deer

    Guys if you have a deer that down from any reason are walk real funny are just weak. Give me a call I have help three people already to save there deer that could not even hold there heads up 314-359-1742 Steve
  2. B

    sick 2 yr old buck

    lost weight , hair loss, more than just shedding, eyes twitching, walks in circles, looks like he is grazing but he doesn"t eat, humps up and stands with eyes closed alot. Any one with help would be appreciated.
  3. T

    sick doe

    The last few months this doe has developed a severe crooked back. She started off appearing like she had colic, all hunched over. It is now to the point she is getting spread legged. She still eats and walks, no blood in stool. Cannot run. Has anyone seen something like this before.Other than...
  4. AnthonyWR

    Sick doe. please help

    We purchased a doe 2 weeks ago and a couple days ago she started with diarrhea. Shes not caughing, and not eating. All I have seen her eat since she got here is hay. We have the same food as the place she came from. Today when I got home she was weak from her diarrhea, but passed small...
  5. S

    sick doe

    I had a 7 month old doe and it died Saturday morning but friday morning when I went to feed it it was eating great and running around but I went back out there that afternoon and it was being very slow didn't wanna play didn't wanna eat so we tried to give her a shot and she had a heart attake...
  6. S

    Sick doe

    Sorry for interrupting ur post but it's not letting me post something and I had a 7 month old doe and it died Saturday morning but friday morning when I went to feed it it was eating great and running around but I went back out there that afternoon and it was being very slow didn't wanna play...
  7. U

    Charity allows sick kids to experience outdoor adventure

    Charity allows sick kids to experience outdoor adventure By: Randy Senior 11/11/2010 Email to a friendPrinter-friendly ELLWOOD CITY - For most families, a hunting or fishing trip with the children is all too easily taken for granted. Unfortunately, there are thousands of families who...
  8. D

    sick doe

    I'am looking for help for a friend. He has lost a couple of does to the same symptoms. The doe walks with her head down swinging from side to side and throwing her food up. She loses weight and dies.He is at a lost of what it could be. It does not seem to be contageous.It takes a while for her...
  9. K

    sick doe....what is this>

    Have a doe that was looking weak and losing weight. Darted her yesterday and gave her Penicillin C, Baytril, B-12, and ivermection. I noticed something very unusual….I took the attached photo. Looks like she is defecating from the wrong spot??? Anyone have any ideas? should i do...
  10. N

    Urgent help needed with sick doe

    I have a doe that had its fawns a couple of weeks ago and just started acting really weird. She cannot stop shaking and is walking as if she were dizzy, and she cannot seem to control her head as it moves one side and the other. Any thoughts of what this may be? The fawns are two weeks...
  11. J

    Sick Fawn: proof in the poop, just need help to identify

    First: Fawn is 6 weeks old, nursing on mother. Looks healthy by weight, color of coat, bright eyes, alert, etc. Farmhand noticed yesterday he was arching back with tail up but having hard time pooping. She caught sample and tested for parasite, showed some sign of strongyle. Today we watched...
  12. H

    sick deer

    We have moved our deer into a new pin that we put in the woods and one of our deer was sick but seems to be doing better but the question I have a guy said that the thorns in these penns could be hurting the deer he said that thorns can kill horses and cows so could be bad for deer also. well...
  13. F

    sick fawn

    I have a 2 day old fallow fawn,took her from mom yesterday and while in the cage notice that she was sneazing often and with a lot of twich,when I bottle feed her she acts diffrent and acts like a dog being tormented by a fly,moving back and forth and moving her head in all directions,when she...
  14. D

    Sick Mother!!

    I have a doe with two buck fawns on her. She is very week from heat exhaustion (dog got in pen), do not known if she will make it. My question is the fawns are three weeks old and very jumpy, do I pull the fawns or see if the other ( 7 )does in the pen will take them on. I did see one of the...
  15. roughcountrywhitetails

    Sick Fawn

    I have a doe fawn that is about 10 days old the first day or so I noticed that the fawn was pooping on it self when moma wasn't around and she was getting a few flys on her so I brought her in the house and cleaned her up. I did not start her on the bottle instead I took her out to her mom a...
  16. J

    Yearling Doe, Maybe sick?

    Today when I went to feed I noticed my yearling doe acting a little strange. She normally just allows me to pet her head, and will run if I go towards her back. Today she let me touch her all over her body and didn't run off. Then kind of walked off slowly. She just seems a little lethargic...
  17. D

    sick buck

    Hello, I have a buck that is panting heavily, very weak, walking with his head downward. I will probably shoot him with Draxin tonight. Do you have any suggestions or ideas of how to help me with this buck? Thank you Doug Chadwick
  18. K

    Sick buck... Coughing and had scours

    We have a 3 year old buck that has lost a lot of weight and started coughing. I darted him and gave him 10cc of nuflor and wormed him. I noitced that he looked like he had scours. It has been 4 days.. The coughing has stopped but his rear is black because of the scours. Not sure what I...
  19. S

    Buck still Sick

    [SIZE="3"]I have a 3 yr old buck that is sick, has a severe weigth loss and is lethargic. I was out of town for 6 weeks and came back to see him as failing, so I don't know how sudden this happened. As soon as I saw him, March 6th, I used two darts on him - one with Ivomec - one with Draxxin...
  20. S

    Sick Buck

    I have a 3 year old buck that has lost flesh and is obviously headed to death. I darted him with Draxinn as well as Ivomec on Saturday. The only other thing I know to do is to treat him for coccidia. Is there any treatment other than Corrid in water for Coccidia? My problem in using Corrid is...