We ran into trouble this weekend. One of our three month old doe fawns ripped her mouth wide open. We don't know what happened, but we got her fixed up. Ended up with 8 stitches on the inside of her mouth and 8 more on the outside.
I have been raising a buck fawn since he was approx 1 wk old. Most all has gone well with only a few hick ups. Which brings me to my questions. He is now about 2 months old and is eating grasses along with a bottle. How does it go from here? Like at what point do I look to set him free and...
We have done a lot of reading on the forum and thanks to everyone for the great information on how, and what to bottle feed a baby fawn. I now have one new question how far should the new fawn be away from the other deer. We have Fallow deer.
What is the longest time span between fawns born from the same doe? One of our does had a fawn sometime last night or early this morning. The mother still has one in her but it feels and appears to be still way forward. We've had them get stuck and had to assist but in those cases the fawns...
"If we concentrated on the really important stuff in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles"
By Junius P. Long*
Food For Thought
If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally ...you might live in a...
Would like to know some experiences other deer farmers have had when TB testing their deer in the fall versus spring like in march?Which they preferred.And if testing pregnant does in later march posed any problems for them when running thru a chute. I presently am testing in sept, but am...
I would like to thank Daniel King of Honey Brook Whitetails for selling me choice of these two awesome yearlings after they grow out this summer. tea party scored 240 in velvet and tea time scored 260 as yearlings. These boys are gonna be huge! so keep an eye out for these amazing bucks in the...
I was wondering if anyone has any bucks out of pretty boy Floyd and full time.
I'm wondering how they scored as they aged because Im thinking of ai a few does to them and I'm wondering how they produce.
Starting this week, Wild Rivers Whitetails will air at 10 PM central time, Wednesday night on the Pursuit channel. It will aso air at 9:30am central time on Tuesdays.
Stations reserve the right to move shows around each quarter, and during the summer months when it is light out until 9 pm...
Hello, I am by no means a deer farmer. However I have acquired a female fawn. Her mother was found dead on the road. It's not an option to call anyone in the fish/game/wildlife profession. I'm scared of what will happen to her. I want to take care of her and let her do her thing when she's old...
If you go to the QDMA forums they have a vote going on about the bills in Indiana, Georgia, Miss, Tenn,wW.V. and the other states. Here is your chance to show we support the deer farmers in these states. EVERY vote makes a statement for our industry. It is under the General forum. I am enclosing...
The annual convention for Whitetails of Louisiana is now scheduled for March 30-31 in Alexandria. We will again sponsor the crawfish supper on Friday night at Tunk's. We invite all deer farmers to attend. We will have a benfit auction on Saturday and would appreciate any donations. Our...
For all of you that have been following us on the Pursuit channel, we will be changing our time slot effective next week. We will now air at 8 PM central time on Thursday night. Instead of Saturday night we are moving to Thursday night. We also will air at 11 AM on Monday mornings. These are...
Instead of bickering like a bunch of magpies, lets say a few things we are thankful for, or brag on those whom we love no matter what. I am guilty of the bickering just as much as anyone else, I am not pointing my fingers. I am very thankful actually for my wife, we have been married for 5...
Not knowing what to give my parents for Christmas, I decided to take them to the Oak Ridge Boys concert. As they love music, I thought this was the perfect gift. Wow, did I hit it on the head. As we sat through this 2 1/2 hour concert my parents were clapping, tapping there feet and moving to...
Hi there, my 4 months old fawn had polio on October 11 and was treated with thiamine. She was much better but a month later she has having another milder episode of polio. I am really confused about her diet. Please help, I don't want this to happen again. Thanks.
Hello everyone! I hope this is the right place to post this if not tell me where to move it too! I just found your site two days ago and signed up today so I could ask some ?'s!! So the story goes on Sunday morning the 5th my daughter (12) was riding her bike down the road in front of our 83...
This is a cattle question, I had to dart a stubborn steer we have this weekend, i didnt want to, but he just would not go into the barn. We must have tried over 50 times this winter to get him in, he is the only one that would not. I gave him 1cc of 300mg xylazine just enough to calm him enough...
Team Deer Forums,
This will be the first year claiming my deer farming expences. I was wondering besides the usuall itemized list of deductions is there anything special that deer farmers claim that would not be in a regular small business expence sheet? Is there any other tricks of the...
we are spliting some straws , what is the time if the straws are in either thaw tank or heat pad how long will the straws stay alive , we are loading does in drop chute and very hard to run the 2 does together that are splitting the straw . thanks Ed