
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. K

    2 week old baby fawn HELP!

    I have a new baby fawn.  She is 2 weeks old last Friday.  She was doing great on Land O Lakes milk replacer and bit of grass in the yard.  She is drinking water on her own.  Her poop went from mustard and sticky to light brown mixed with tiny poop pellets.  But after 1 movement of pellets it...
  2. P

    Sick 1 Week Old Fawn

    We have a one week old fawn that has had a leg amputated because of a compound fracture.  She is now lethargic and has a little rasp on exhale.  she has not been eating very well.  She takes less than half what she should be eating.  Vet said to give her penicillin or the amputation.  She was on...
  3. R

    Breeding Discipline/Flavor of the week

    Im starting this topic because Josh Newton brought this up to me on my last topic of Wesson Does. I asked why did Wesson fall off the face of the earth? Josh said "Welcome to the deer market...Very rarely will you see animals marketed more than a year or two at best. Its all about the flavor of...
  4. A

    Two bucks dead within last week

    Last a yearling buck last Thursday and another today. First indication something was wrong was got off the feed, acting sluggish and lethargic. Visual signs were hair standing up and walking softly and slowly. Both dead within 12 hours. The last buck to die started bleeding out the nose and...
  5. P

    3 week old fawn with diarrhea due to antibiotics

    We have a three week old fawn that the ear tag got caught in something and tore it's ear really bad. Had bad infection by the time we found it. Got it in and gave antibiotics. Feeding goats milk, 6 0z four times a day. Did give electrolytes in milk twice. Stool went to water. Still that...
  6. H

    2-3 week old fawn bloating on a few mouthfuls of grass??

    Here's the short version of my question. Any advice for a 2 1/2 week old fawn who seems to bloat on TINY amounts of grass? I'm writing all the specifics of my situation below if anyone needs more info to answer. I sincerely appreciate your time. I have a rescue Sitka blacktail doe who...
  7. J

    3 week old watery poop

    Fawn is 3 weeks old . We have had her 2 weeks. Today having watery yellow poop. All water running down leg. Just started. Called breeder where she came from he's been having same issue for couple days. He doesn't know what it is. No access to vet care on Sunday. What can I give her. Was on red...
  8. R

    Two week old fawns

    Have doe that her two fawns are both on her and got the nasty smelling milk scours, vet told us it was from the doe having bad milk, I am not sure I agree with this will do samples but wondering if anyone has had this and what did you use to treat it. Fawns were clean but wife walked up to them...
  9. J

    week old deer fawn

    We have 2 doe's that were both received at 2 weeks old. They are now 1. We just got a new doe fawn, she is 1 week old. We are not breeders, these are pets. There are no local vets that see deer in this area, except one, and she will not see new clients. Neither of our other 2 received any...
  10. T

    5 week old fawn not drinking water

    Does anyone have any suggestions on getting my 5 week old doe fawn to drink water? We bottle feed her and she does great, about 9-10 oz's four times a day, she is eating grains and eats clover in the pen. she has never drank any water from the dishes we have out which im sure of because they are...
  11. V

    3 week old fawn constipated!!!

    My doe fawn is approximately 3 weeks old. I started her on Calf Maker Milk Replacement. I switched her to Ultra 24 five days ago per the recommendations of people on this forum. She has done great with it. She has fresh dirt and water available each day. I also hand feed clover, dandelion...
  12. E

    Can we overfeed almost 3 week old buck?

    We have a buck fawn that will be 3 weeks old Wednesday. He acts like he's starving all the time! Last year we raised a doe on the Red Cap feeding program and she did great. We can't have a minutes peace around him. He's constantly looking for a nipple like he is starving to death. Can you...
  13. Wild Rivers Whitetails

    Wild Rivers TV - this week

    Thursday night's episode will feature our TB testing we did this winter. We've had some folks ask for a feature that showed handling deer etc. and this will give you an idea of what we do. Pursuit channel - 7 PM central time, Dish 240 and DirectV 608.
  14. N

    Two dead fawns in one week. HELP!!!

    I've had two fawns die this past week. Both of them started just a couple of days before with some problems in their limbs, one in all legs and the other one just in the front ones. They could not stand or walk as if they had no strength in their legs. There was no apparent lesion. We thought...
  15. B

    week old fawn worrying me

    got Louella the other night.. prob about a week old, still wobbly..was eat up with ant bites, but all seems to be healing well. no fever, no infections, or anything. she refuses a bottle period. i added some strawberry quick (a trick i learned with fussy ones) and get her to take a few ounces at...
  16. B

    Buckeye Fall Auctions Consignments due this week

    Just a reminder that the consignments for the Buckeye Fall Breeder Auction are due this week. Go to www.buckeyewhitetailauction.com for more info.
  17. K

    abbie ~ our 6 week old fawn is sick

    hi~ i am new to this forum and i am desperately seeking some advice. we have a 6 week old fawn, doe...named abbie. we have had her from 3 days old. she started with scoures immediately...and for 2 1/2 weeks we struggled trying to get her to stop. with formula, pedialite, plain...
  18. C

    BLOAT?? & LUMPY JAW?? Lost a 3 week old fawn this morning! HELP!

    2 of our buck fawns(over a month old) have contracted "lumpy jaw" or so we have been told. These fawns have been treated with Penicillin in the mouth, on site, between shoulders & in muscle. Not a noticable difference in thier appearance yet, as its not even been a week since we treated those 2...
  19. Rick

    new video of the week

    posted new video for this week at www.browningwhitetails.com, let me know what you think
  20. R

    Pic of my 2.5 week old

    I thought he was older till i went and filled in my calendar with his daily stuff. He stands 13 inches to the shoulder, heading out for a digital scale today.....today started getting playful with the 3 month old kitten, his constant companion.. he heads out to his new pen this week, rain has...