best way to cut antlers

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Feb 15, 2015
United States
This will be the first year I cut my bucks antlers and wondering how you guys out there go about cutting them? What you use to cut with. How far down. Any good tips would be greatly appreciated.
Whitetail Sanctuary1049831442018606

Sawzall............When I used to cut antlers we left 2-3" depending on the buck.

I like the answer Wayne. "When I used to cut"...

I used to cut also. Came to realize it wasn't worth the cost or time. Won't do it anymore except in very special circumstances.
OK....used to cut. Is that because you guys didn't lose deer to fighting? I'm just thinking if I take time and cost to cut, if it saves one buck every few years it was worth it. I have smaller pens so thought it would be a good idea.
They will still spar or fight with their nubs and they can damage the area around the base of their antlers.  Sometimes they can get infected and could give you issues.  There was a good discussion on here last year that I'm sure you could find.  I think I'm leaving mine on this year.  It worked ok last year.
Read the previous discussions and decide what's best for your farm. But I stopped cutting because it didn't save me anything. In fact it cost more! I still did have bucks die even when cut due to the nub breaking a rib and the buck bled out inside. Also the damaged heads made their racks worthless. Worst part is you still had to feed them. At least had they died you could have saved on their feed bill. Plus add in the cost of darts and drugs.
I won't tell you what to do, but I will say this. In 9 years of penning up antlered bucks together, I never had a single one die from fighting.sure its possible, it can happen in a second. But i can afford to lose a buck or two to fighting for what I would spend to dart and saw them off.
They dont get sold then they get cut. Older bucks get a pen with a few yearling girlfriends in each one and same aged cut bucks stay in their same pens. Never had any deaths or banged up heads. They push, They shove They Live! 
Only way I would cut again is if you have a calm animal and you have to be inside his pen. The only time i have had bucks gore each other is when someone is sick and the ones below in the pecking order take advantage to rise up. Cutting antlers like those before me stated can cause spreading of pedicule. They also can drop sides at different times which causes growing to be off. I personally see it as a risk with no reward. Ryan
We did not cut ours last year, and everything was fine. With that being said, we lost a 2 year old breeder to fighting just 2 days ago. They both went to the feed bowl and accidently bumped horns. The older buck that is actually a friends deer decided he was being challenged and proceeded to whip up on our 2 year old. We had not seen any aggression at all until this point. We have moved the friends buck in with a few does now.
17 years and no deaths or broken skulls from cutting. Never had a problem with buttons not falling off in time for new growth. If you have smaller pens and bucks cant easy get away from a burly buck you are safer to cut. No worries of being hooked in fence, Getting tangled up in shade cloth and every other problems those antlers can cause. If they do not get sold they get cut. Knock on wood...No problems yet.
I'm cutting. Final decision. When is your guys best time to cut? I have all but one shed completely. Do I wait a few weeks...or asap.

I'm cutting. Final decision. When is your guys best time to cut? I have all but one shed completely. Do I wait a few weeks...or asap.

Not trying to be a sarcastic dick here, but do me a favor and keep track of the costs to cut your herd. Then monitor how good and bad the results are. Do this over a period of say 4-5 years. If we are all still in business that long I would like to know your herds findings.

I'm cutting. Final decision. When is your guys best time to cut? I have all but one shed completely. Do I wait a few weeks...or asap.

I have cut 6 so far myself. All yearlings.   When they start rubbing on stuff i take a few pic's and off they come.  You will get a little blood when you cut thru the soft bone. Spray with Alumashield or Bluecote.   Worm,Vitamins a shot of Antibiotic and they are good for winter. You can wait a week or two if ya like but i like to get it done and out of the way!
Thanks for the advice. And I only have 3 to cut this year. So shouldn't be too costly.I'm a newbie....I don't have a lot of deer costs are still relatively low.
You'll be glad you did. Every time I try to leave antlers on them it cost me big time!
I have tracked the costs of cutting vs losing bucks to stupid things like getting caught in the fence, locked antlers (Have had four sets over the past 15 years or so.), killing does (nasty breeder bucks), etc., etc. It costs me around $900 per year to cut antlers on 25 to 30 bucks. Yes antler base infections must be watched but I actually have more problems with this in the preserve than in the yearling and breeder pens where I cut antlers. No worries with poachers when they don't have antlers. There is no question in my mind that cutting antlers saves lives. Have not yet tried cutting in the chute yet though. Would like to hear others thoughts on this.
I have cut my yearlings and two year olds in the chute with a saws all the last two years. My advice is do as soon as velvet comes off so they aren't aggressive to each other when you run them into your system.

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