front leg injury (can see bone)

Deer Farmer Forum

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Dec 19, 2012
Ottawa, KS
So a month ago I picked up a new doe. Got her home she was a little crazy. She managed to Peel some skin off of the front of her leg on the fence. I didnt want to dart her again or stress her out anymore so I I watched from a distance, she limped for a couple days then started acting normal. Today I put in CIDRS so I got to look at it. The bone is visible about a 1/2 inch wide and 1 1/2 long. it has a scab around the bone. Color looks okay. What are my options? Will the scab keep growing in?
In my opinion.........................It has gone this long she should be fine if it was scabbed over and no puss or swelling? She should recover fine!


Best of Luck
I had a deer last summer do the same thing...she was running through the pen and her leg went through the fence and peeled her skin back to the bone. Of course this was during the middle of the summer and flies were awful. Good thing about a leg is the deer can keep it clean. Long story short..Shoot her with antibiotics and keep an eye out. I didnt think mine had a chance in #$% her leg would grow back BUT when we sold her this yr her leg was completely covered over. A scar yes BUT it WILL grow over in time. First pic is the day it happened and the good side...i couldnt get a pick of the bad side that was down to the bone. 2nd pic is 5 weeks later and the bad side that was down to the bone. You can see the scar of how bad it was




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