Sam - That Sterling's gonna be fun to see his progression this year. He was awesome last year, and he looks to me, at this point anyway, that he could gain the most out of all of them you've shown. Dang!!! What in the world is he goona look like?!
Steve that grizzly boy has made the turn and lookin good. It seems grizzly gets it done with just about any doe he is bred with.
Wayne you should be tickled with rawhide! He looks like he is going to put some width on this year to go along with that picket fence he has had every other year. I have another 3 weeks or so to see what kind off Rawhide/Rolex/loner/mohawk fawns we will have.
Everyone has posted some really nice bucks and should be proud of what you have.
Sam have to note that was pretty ingenious with the prior years photos. Whatever happened to Hardwood dissapointed my AI to my EW Rampage doe did not take last year.
I thought Rawhide was pretty incredible last year. Sounds like he has a shot at finishing even bigger this time. Can't wait to see him in person this summer. I'm glad we purchased our Rawhide semen last winter.