AllStar's sister had a single doe by Banjo. In addition, we have had twin bucks by Banjo. Their mother is Little Larry Thunderstorm Doe Red 49 anchored by Little Thunder Blazer Doe Green 36.
We've also had 3 Big-n-Bad buck fawns and one doe fawn by Rural King's sisters.
Big-n-Bad buck & Doe fawns by 0098 who is a Thunderstorm Maximus CR Highroller Thunder doe.
Twin Arty Buck fawns have arrived by Orange 11 who is Thunder/Betsy cross.
An Arty Buck fawn by White 9, our best doe.
Thunderstorm buck fawn by White 93 who is GT/JB cross.
Twin Thunderstorm doe fawns out of 0013 who is 7/8 sister to Silverstorm.
A highlight of our AI crop is a little brother to Rural King who died last Fall.
We're expecting from our 2nd round of AI on June 8, fawns from The One, Arty, and Thunderstrike.
We're very thankful for healthy animals so far.