4 year old buck has lost use of hind end!

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May 31, 2009
Northwest Illinois
Today when I fed I noticed one of my 4 year olds laying too close to where I had just driven by without him gettin up. Walked over to him and he struggled to his feet but was SIGNIFICANTLY impaired in his hind quarters. He only went 10 yards and went down again. He didn't drag himself, and actually made it to all fours, but with great effort. He has definitely tweeked his back somehow. What can/should I do?? Appreciate any and all advice and thank you in advance!

Did the Dex/Banamine work? Is your buck in a recumbant position? Remember- Scott's hay bail idea to prop up the deer? It's so cold and wet lately... can you bring him inside your barn? Am hoping your buck heals soon.
Thanks Scott and Lana - Unfortunately he was dead the very next morning(yesterday) when Marsha went to check on him prior to going to the vet to get the Dex.
I had a doe down for 8 weeks and dexomethazone IM and 3cc Banamine SQ for 3 days for three weeks now at nine weeks she is walking some on her on.

Thank God

Joe Headley
I'm sorry to hear this Mark. I'm glad that your doe is doing better, Joe. What do you think may have caused her to "go down"? any ideas? I'm a worry wart. Am moving my doe tomorrow to a new home (where she will have other tame does and a buck fawn in the same pen). I worry about how they will respond to her, and vice versa...
Might be selenium deficiency. I raise sheep, and we have a condition known as "white muscle disease". Basically causes muscle weakness in the hindquarters and death if it isn't treated. My sheep and goats get a shot of BoSe every spring. Not sure if captive deer are sensitive to selenium deficiency but its something to look into.
fallow white muscle disease does affect captive whitetails, but most of us if not all give bose at birth. It sounds more like a injury, very sorry for the loss!!!

Scott Neeb

Chanllow Farms

In the Heart of Pa Dutch Country

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