ACA Council Requests Input from Cervid Producers

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Nov 13, 2012
Garnett, Kansas
From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom



ACA Council Requests Input from Cervid Producers


USAHA Farmed Cervid Subcommittee's Leadership to Outline Industry's Goals


AYR, NE- The American Cervid Alliance is seeking input from cervid producers regarding industry concerns and goals for 2014.  The leadership of the new Farmed Cervid Subcommittee is currently compiling ideas and priorities for next year's United States Animal Health Association (USAHA) conference in Kansas City, Missouri. The new subcommittee, formed by USAHA, was created to provide the cervid industry their own forum, within the Captive Wildlife & Alternate Livestock Committee, to examine industry issues while working with state health officials and wildlife representatives.  This subcommittee will meet each year at the USAHA annual conference.


One of the subcommittee's three co-chairmen, Charly Seale, said, "The cervid industry should start now to identify and prioritize those issues important to the cervid industry. This is the cervid industry's committee and we need to hear everyone's concerns; from individual breeders and hunting ranch owners to the state and national association directors. Everyone will have a voice here."


Seale and other ACA leaders are asking the ACA's member associations and all cervid producers for their suggestions.  Seale said the industry can focus on a full range of priorities including, but not limited to, CWD regulations, Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, EHD/Blue Tongue, and promoting industry markets.  During 2013 there have been several positive victories for the cervid industry and the ACA is excited about 2014. Cervid industry producers now have an avenue to solve problems unique to our industry and your Farmed Cervid Subcommittee representatives look forward to hearing from each of you.


In addition to Charly Seale of the Exotic Wildlife Association; Dr. Paul Anderson, Assistant State Veterinarian Minnesota Board of Animal Health; and Dr Bret Marsh, Indiana Board of Animal Health, also serve as co-chairmen of the Farmed Cervid Subcommittee.


The ACA asks all deer and elk producers to email their ideas to Charly Seale at [email protected] or Eric Mohlman at [email protected].

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