Small deer with a big lump

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Apr 20, 2024
Athens, GA
I have a small deer on my property I have known for years and can feed by hand. She has a lump below the ear and behind the jaw that has grown rapidly over the last week. I don't think it is a tumor or lumpy jaw but likely an abscess. May possibly be fusobacterium or Caseous lymphadenitis. Has anyone successfully treated an abscess like this or have a suggestion to help her. She seems in good spirits and acts normally but the bump continues to get bigger.


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I have a small deer on my property I have known for years and can feed by hand. She has a lump below the ear and behind the jaw that has grown rapidly over the last week. I don't think it is a tumor or lumpy jaw but likely an abscess. May possibly be fusobacterium or Caseous lymphadenitis. Has anyone successfully treated an abscess like this or have a suggestion to help her. She seems in good spirits and acts normally but the bump continues to get bigger.
It's concerning to hear about the deer's condition. While I'm not a veterinarian, rapid growth of a lump could indicate an abscess or infection. It's crucial to seek professional veterinary advice promptly to ensure the deer's well-being. They may recommend antibiotics or drainage depending on the diagnosis.
It's concerning to hear about the deer's condition. While I'm not a veterinarian, rapid growth of a lump could indicate an abscess or infection. It's crucial to seek professional veterinary advice promptly to ensure the deer's well-being. They may recommend antibiotics or drainage depending on the diagnosis.
A wildlife rehabilitator on reddit said these abscesses usually burst and resolve themselves. Yesterday she showed up and the abscess had burst. Looked ugly like a blow-out on a tire but she seemed fine. I would think it was a huge relief to have that pressure gone. Thanks for the reply!
Following up on my little deer with a big bump. The bump burst April 2024 but the resulting wound has never cleared up. Still exuding a green discharge 10 months later. I see her every day and give her a few horse treats that she takes from my fingers. I wonder if I could give her an antibiotic hidden in the treat to get rid of the infection. Does this seem feasible?

Draxxin 2.0cc on a little bit of feed in a dish. Re-dose in 3 days.

Baytril 6.0cc on a little bit of feed in a dish. Re-dose in 3 days.

Vetetinary antibiotics are prescription nowadays so you’ll need a vet to obtain.

Worst case, contact a local deer farm and ask for their help. They may come over and apply a dart of antibiotics which, in my opinion, would be the best way to apply the medication.
Well her wound seems to be healed over now with no more green discharge. Amazing it has taken almost a year to mend.

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