American Cervid Alliance Reaches 36 Council Members Associations

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Nov 13, 2012
Garnett, Kansas
From the American Cervid Alliance News Room

May 5, 2014


18pxAmerican Cervid Alliance Reaches 36 Council Members Associations

AYR, NE- Most summers are extremely busy for deer and elk farmers.  It will be no different this summer for the members of the American Cervid Alliance, however, we will take just a moment to pause and celebrate the growth of this industry’s cervid alliance. The ACA Leadership Council was formed in December 2012 to simply provide an organized forum where all cervid leaders could come together and exchange ideas. The ACA started with twenty four (24) state and national deer and elk associations. By May 2014, twelve (12) more associations had joined the Alliance in an effort to preserve the rights of cervid farmers and share in the exchange of information.  

The ACA Board of Directors, known as the Leadership Council, allows each association to have an equal vote, regardless of the size of their membership, their location, or what cervid species they represent. ACA Moderator Eric Mohlman says this is the key to their success.  “This Alliance is working because we are all on even playing ground, everyone is equal and valued, and we’ve tried to remove the hierarchy of power.â€�  

The ACA Council meets one to two times a month via conference call to review ongoing industry concerns and discuss options.  All decisions are made by roll call vote so every association’s position is recorded and published online.  This allows every member association to remain accountable to the Alliance and offer complete transparency to the industry.

The thirty-six member Leadership Council features some of the most talented and knowledgeable people in the farmed cervid industry.  “This Alliance is a great thing for the industryâ€�, said Michael Heiter, who has represented the Pennsylvania Deer Farmers Association on the council since the ACA’s inception.  “There is just so much combined knowledge and experience in these council meetings."

Andy Azcarraga, the ACA Councilman representing the Colorado Elk Breeders Association, says that the continual flow of information is one of the ACA's strong points.  “We are on these conference calls with guys from Idaho, Texas, all the way to New York; we are all experiencing similar concerns, therefore, it only makes sense to keep the communication lines open.â€�  

The American Cervid Alliance invites any association representing cervid farming to join as an equal partner of the council. There are no dues and the Alliance only asks for good faith participation and teamwork.

The ACA functions solely as a volunteer organization.  There is no paid staff and the financial reports are reviewed and approved by the council on a regular basis. To learn more about the American Cervid Alliance, please visit

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