Any thoughts on todays stocker sale?

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Maybe i should add the deer i sold went to fellow farmers in need so we really helping each other out. they didn't go to preserves
1) 3000x2   2) 3000x2   3) 500x3   4) 2000x2   5) 1250x2   6) 1600x2   7) 300x6   8) 2000   9) 600   10) 300   11) 5500   12) 6500  


13) 7500   14) 500   15) 2500   16) 1000   17) 1000   18) 1500   19) 4500   20) 3500   21) 2000   22) 500   23) 500   24) 3000


25) 1750   26) 800   27) 2500   28) 3000   29) 3250   30) 600x2   31) 2000   32) 2500   33) 1750x3   34) 2250   35) 1250   36) 24,500


37) 500   38) 3000   39) 1100   40) 500   41) 3000   42) 3500   43) out   44) 1500   45) 3000   46) 20,000   47) 2000   48) 2750


49) 700   50) 750   51) 1750   52) 16,000   53) 400   54) 500   55) 1300   56) 2500   57) 2200   58) 1400   59) 2500   60) 6500


61) 1250   62) out   63) 800   64) 3000   65) 3750   66) out   67) 600   68) 1000   69) 7500   70) 900   71) 4500   72) 800x3


73) pass   74) 2400   75) 2600   76) 400   77) 1500   78) 2750   79) 300   80) 1750   81) 1400   82) 300   83) No info   84) 2750


85) 3000   86) 600x6   87) 45,000   88) pass   89) 800   90) 2000   91) 1250   92) 400x2   93) 400x2   94) 300   95) 7250   96) 2000x2


97) 1500   98) 24,000   99) no info   100) 500   101) 700   102) 3900x2   103) 1250   104) pass   105) 1250   106) out   107) 3750   108) 17,000


109) 1000   110) 300x4   111) 800   112) 2750   113) 2500   114) 1700   115) pass   116) 900   117) 3500   118) 500   119) no info   120) 2250


121) 1000   122) 3600   123) 2100   124) 1300   125) 400   126) 1000   127) 1000   128) 600   129) 2500   130) 300   131) 500   132) 500


133) 300   134) 6750   135) 2000   136) 300   137) 5250   138) 1500   139) 17,500   140) 1600   141) 1100   142) 11,000   143) 14,500   144) 4500


145) 1000   146) 3250   147) 4000x3   148) 2000   149) 2750   150) 3000   151) 600x2   152) 1200   153) 900   154) 1000   155) 2100   156) 5000


157) 900
We are happy with the price our lot sold for in the breeder portion of the sale.
Were you there Bell? I wish I had known I would have liked to meet you in person. I was there both days.

My Dad was there to represent our lot. A stomach virus has been running its course in our house. I would have liked to have been there and heard more about your new pup.
Thanks Rick for posting the average prices.


     Regarding the stocker sale,   Regardless of opinions, "Very strong"," Good",  "Fair", or "Suck"  ......these are "real world prices", and this is a good indicator of the state of the our business.  I don't understand how 3 guys could set the standards for stocker prices.  As stated above  " (40,40,40); supply and demand  is what fuels a market"  If someone could explain this any differently, I would more than welcome the opportunity to be enlightened.


(40,40,40); Thanks,
I am wondering how our PA stocker sale will go. I am afraid there will be many more sellers than buyers, but I hope I am wrong. I would be thrilled to see prices similar to the Ohio sale because I am thinking of entering a lot if they still accept the lots until then. I haven't got offers yet over $ 3,000 for 200" bucks yet, and I will not sell a 200" buck for $3,000, absolutely no way I will. I will hold them all if I have to, makes no difference to me. I set out in this industry to produce some good looking deer, and I don't care who all tells me otherwise, I know my bucks are worth more than the low ball offers I am getting lately. I am not farming deer to cater to the preserves that shoot themselves in the foot by selling 200" hunts Way to cheap in the first place. That's their problem, not mine. I am not a bail out service( unless we can work a deal that fair to us both)Sorry for the rant, lol, been a rough week trying to sell deer. Haha.
It doesn't matter if you are a preserve or farmer the bottom line is the demand for your product.  Unfortunately so many people got into this when shooter prices were very very high and we all saw dollar signs.  I used to have a standing offer for 200inch deer at $10,000.  Now because of where the "demand" from the hunters are and the supply available there are preserves selling 200 inch hunts for $5,900.  The good old days are gone and never will be back.  That's one of the reasons why so many of the big guys are leaving.  But think of it this way. If you were just now starting raising deer and you looked at the business today.  Buy good does for $1,000 and with todays genetics you can expect your two yr olds to be 180 to 210.  Those deer are worth $3,000 to $4,000.  Most preserve will charge $5,900 to $8,900 for those caliber deer.  Its still better than cattle farming and you get to raise deer.  I know a lot of people dont want to hear that but that is where the market is today and will be for a long time.  We cant live in the past.  We have to run our business in reality.  Also, 95% of the farmers need to realize they are in the market of raising stocker bucks and not breeder bucks.   A guy can make good money now if he has 15 good does and AI's them each year with sexed semen. In two years he can turn over 12 bucks a year for good money.  You are not gonna quit work and watch deer the rest of your life and vacation in the Bahamas. But you can sure put some money away for retirement, college, hunting trips or whatever.    

It doesn't matter if you are a preserve or farmer the bottom line is the demand for your product.  Unfortunately so many people got into this when shooter prices were very very high and we all saw dollar signs.  I used to have a standing offer for 200inch deer at $10,000.  Now because of where the "demand" from the hunters are and the supply available there are preserves selling 200 inch hunts for $5,900.  The good old days are gone and never will be back.  That's one of the reasons why so many of the big guys are leaving.  But think of it this way. If you were just now starting raising deer and you looked at the business today.  Buy good does for $1,000 and with todays genetics you can expect your two yr olds to be 180 to 210.  Those deer are worth $3,000 to $4,000.  Most preserve will charge $5,900 to $8,900 for those caliber deer.  Its still better than cattle farming and you get to raise deer.  I know a lot of people dont want to hear that but that is where the market is today and will be for a long time.  We cant live in the past.  We have to run our business in reality.  Also, 95% of the farmers need to realize they are in the market of raising stocker bucks and not breeder bucks.   A guy can make good money now if he has 15 good does and AI's them each year with sexed semen. In two years he can turn over 12 bucks a year for good money.  You are not gonna quit work and watch deer the rest of your life and vacation in the Bahamas. But you can sure put some money away for retirement, college, hunting trips or whatever.    

I agree for the most part but when you get low balled by a guy for a deer at say 3 grand and on his website he is selling said size deer for 8 to 10, well there is a problem. 

I wish you had kept your CWD accreditation. Check your PM. I sent you someone from PA's name who I have confidence in that might buy your bucks. I am certain that I could get you 4500-5000+ for a decent looking 200" buck. There are a lot less mature hunt bucks out there available than many realize. I recently sold a 180's and a 210" for over 11,000. Take the time to contact as many preserves as you can and e-mail them good photos. You will eventually get a good price. It is just the beginning of September. Do not sell your bucks now unless you are paid top dollar. Many farms have doe and fawns or yearling bucks but few have many mature hunt bucks.

There will soon be no producers left to buy bucks from if all the preserves are offering is $3,000 for 200" 2 year olds.@$400 per buck per year for feed and upkeep, $200 average lap fee plus travel expense usually $800-$1000, plus another $400 to feed the doe and a meager $500 per straw for the sexed male semen with 80% conception. No producer can make it let alone put money away if this is what the preserves are going to pay. The producer will also have some die before they can be sold.

Low stocker prices cleaned two of my neighbors out last year. They averaged together 12-15 hunt bucks total each year. With all the EHD loss last year and the year before and the fact that many have sold out there are not as many hunt bucks out there. This will be evident very soon. Hold on to your bucks prices will come up. Stand firm! Prices were higher early at Kevin's sale because there are way less bucks available this year.
Thanks Bell, I appreciate the PM you sent. That's why I am holding out, it is still way to early to sell low right now, I want to hold out for a bit and see what happens. I can afford to raise them another year if necessary.

I agree with you Hotrod, I really do. I am just dissapointed. My expenses are the same as preserves, these guys know what it costs to raise deer, so it's frustrating that they lowball someone so much. Can I make money if I sell my 200" two year olds for $3000? Yes, perhaps a little. But I can also work overtime at my full time job ( which I can't do now because the deer task are so demanding) I could do some side work, like finishing drywall, taxidermy, and cutting firewood to sell, All of which I have next to no time to do now because I have 50 to care for on my own. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love my deer, and I don't do it to make a living, but when I have a herd the size I do right now, I absolutely better be making decent money or it's not worth the work. I can have as much fun with 4 deer as a hobby as I do with 50 adults and trying to make money. Point is I am a worker, I will do what is necessary to make money when I need it, I am not the type of individual that expects handouts, and I what I see right now is not a very smart way to make money to put away for my future. I can make a lot more doing taxidermy and just having a few deer for pets, if I raise 200" deer to sell for only $3,000. Now if I can get $4,000 for that size, that changes everything. I will do the work for that price, if I sell all my 200" this year for 3k I will get 12k, if I sell for 4k I will get 16k, that's a half a years feed money in that difference!

Maybe I will just put up my own 10 or 20 acre preserve and undercut everyone else's prices and shoot all my bucks 200" class for $4,000. Wait a minute, that's what lots of other guys are doing, and there in lies the problem..., I just don't want them to expect me to help by giving my deer away at bottom dollar when they quickly sell out of their own, ( and they surely will when they sell that low, I guarantee it) that was the point I was trying to make. No offense to you guys with preserves, I personally don't care if you want to shoot a 200" buck for $500, that's your choice. I just don't want to be expected to take you serious when you make rediculous offers on my stock.

I do however highly recommend NOT selling stupidly low price hunts, it will bite everyone in the industry. This is a big world. Each year there are many men on the quest in our preserves to kill a buck of their dreams, or at least one bigger than their buddies, and they will pay fair money to do it, There are lots of guys with lots of money out there, guys will start paying fair When they have too. If hunters are not happy with our prices, they can go find a 200" in the wild.....good luck with that, unfortunately most of us only get about 70 years on this planet, that's not enough hunting time for 99% of us to even see a buck of that caliber out in the wilds..... They exist on such a small scale I couldn't imagine putting a number on those odds.

Sorry for the rants again. I was thinking about not posting this for fear of insulting or offending someone, but those who know me personally would know that wasn't my intent. So i figured what the heck, maybe it will generate more good conversation. And again no offense to any preserve owners on here ( we all need you guys in the end) the lowball preserves I am referring to are owned by guys whose arrogance wouldn't even be tolerated on a nice forum like this for very long. Lots of ignorant people out there.

Wow, I really took this thread off topic, sorry :)

Your are consistently the most positive kind hearted person on this forum. People should take heed when you finally rant. Lol
Matt, I feel your pain.  The industry has transformed so much in the past 5 years and is getting ready to go through some more major changes.  The guy surviving today has to be able to control his feed bill and/or his lodge payment.  Those two things will make deer farming miserable and make people throw in the towl.  Thats why 95% of the guys need to be producing bucks only.  Once all the borders are closed it will come down to numbers of preserve vrs number of deer farms in the state with relationships coming into play for some of us.  I feel sorry for the Pennsylvania guys right now.  Its a good time to be a preserve owners but when most of the guys who cant control cost throw in the towel the ones left will reap the rewards and the preserves will suffer.  Its a vicious circle.  I have guys I buy from and always have and always will.  If we dont get things opened up here in Indiana a bunch of farmers are going to lose everything in the next couple years.  Hope you find your niche and make it through. 

Matt, I feel your pain.  The industry has transformed so much in the past 5 years and is getting ready to go through some more major changes.  The guy surviving today has to be able to control his feed bill and/or his lodge payment.  Those two things will make deer farming miserable and make people throw in the towl.  Thats why 95% of the guys need to be producing bucks only.  Once all the borders are closed it will come down to numbers of preserve vrs number of deer farms in the state with relationships coming into play for some of us.  I feel sorry for the Pennsylvania guys right now.  Its a good time to be a preserve owners but when most of the guys who cant control cost throw in the towel the ones left will reap the rewards and the preserves will suffer.  Its a vicious circle.  I have guys I buy from and always have and always will.  If we dont get things opened up here in Indiana a bunch of farmers are going to lose everything in the next couple years.  Hope you find your niche and make it through. 

So True. Pa is going to be in a world of hurt untill this CWD crap works its way through our world. It was great to have that many farms in one state because there are strength in numbers but now that they can pretty much only sell in their own states? Its cut throat time.  Trust me...Closed borders do the same!

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