Well I can say this from first hand experience, we tested 20 animals in march (7 months ago), two deer tested positive for TB with the new blood test. First they wanted to kill the entire herd here in Missouri and I received the quarantine at 7 in the morning on a Saturday. Many people got involved for me I.E. Nathan Blosser, Shawn Schafer and Kevin Grace. By noon on Saturday with the help from those listed the government was just going to kill those two does. By the end of the day they decided to make a decision on Monday. On Monday the phone call came from the state vet. and they asked me if I wanted to wait and do a re-test after the two does fawn but I would remain in quarantine. I said yes, so we re-tested the two does in july and the next day one of the two does that tested positive in march came back negative on the second test. The other doe was positive again so the following week they put her down and paid indemnity for her. Two days later I received a phone call from Jefferson city that the preliminaries showed that she was negative for T.B. but I was still under quarantine for about 60 days (October 1st) to see if they could grow the virus....That's my story, you decide what you want to deal with, Hope that helps.....troy