Chris Things happen and sometimes cant be explained! Come back and get two more, I always make things right! JIM
Jim, Were these bottle babies out in the rain-weather before this fella took them? The reason i ask is i had one taken over last night by the rain and 40 degree temps. I found him and all he would do was blaht and stretch like he says his did? This guy just kept stretching out his neck and front legs and i mean stiff straight. He was as good as dead when i found him but i rushed him in and between the hair dryer warming him fast and all day today in a crib with blankets and 2 heating pads he is starting to come around but still wants to stretch. He has had a small dose of Draxxin, a half bag of fluids under the skin an drinking warm milk and gatoraid for energy. I think this guy is going to make it but he was so bad he now has to learn how to walk again. He was headed to the light a couple times today but i believe/hope..I turned the light off.. Good luck to you guys!