Hi, I have read some other post on here about broken legs and heard of some amazing stories of how they healed. I had a buck that will be two this spring. I was darting him and for some reason he took off really fast and when he ran away I could not believe my eyes his back leg about 3 inches above his hock was twirling around just made me sick. I have never had this ever happen before. I guess when he bolted some how he put to much pressure or at a bad angle or something to cause his leg to break. I first thought maybe he got it caught in a limb or something like that but there was nothing there but bare ground. My question is has anyone had a break like this and is there any chance it will heal. I darted him and gave him some banamine and excede. When i grabbed the leg it is broke in half about three inches up above his hock you can feel were it is broke and the two ends are overlapping. I dont know how it will heal but a lot of post on here say you will be amazed how they will heal from a broken leg. I just want to do the right thing with him if anyone has any knowledge about a break like this and if it can heal please let me know. If I need to I will put him down just dont want him to suffer if he has no chance at all to heal. I do have him in a pen all by himself now and can still nose with his pen mates through the fence that he was in when it happened. Thank you, for listening and hope to get some feedback.