Approximately 2 and a half weeks ago we found a fawn in my front yard crying. He had been attacked. His jaw was completely gapping open he could not close it. And had several fresh puncture wounds around his head and throat, like something got a hold of his head. Im a retired vet tech but no deer experience and no rehabs available in my state. We made a brace for his jaw so he could suck on a bottle. It has healed about 80 percent but hasnt been able to really chew. He is on goats milk. Yesterday he crashed and started almost was seizing he acted as though he was in shock. Im doing sub q fluids, oxycetline, a dose of bose last night at .75, a 1 shot of vitamin b, and corn syrup. He seemed to reboynd well last night and being on deaths door stop. He is crashing again this a.m he hasnt had a bottle since yesterday. Can someone please help me! My young autistic daughter insisted on helping this guy and i couldn't just leave him. What else can i give to help please? And thank u!!!!