Had a stray dog get in with some bucks and freaked them out Wednesday morning. One yearling buck hit fence hard enough to crack his skull to where his horn was dangling. The bone around his pedicle approximately 3 inches in diameter is loose. I knocked him out that evening and cut the antler about 2 inches above skin to eliminate the weight of the antler from pulling on the head. I then sprayed him thoroughly with permethrin to eliminate flies, put in an insecticide ear tag to keep flies away, gave him Draxxin because it is long lasting and Banamine. Also before I cut the antler off I put a zip tie as tight as I could under the burr and right below the cut to keep from bleeding. My question is what else can I do? He is up eating and drinking with his pen mates, but his head on the side that is cracked is slightly swollen which is understandable. I am thinking about knocking him down tonight and cutting the zip ties off since there is no bleeding and giving him another round of banamine and antibiotics and hopefully won't have to knock him out again for a while. Any opinions or ideas?