Deer hunter ticketed for moving deer from a preserve

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Nov 10, 2010
Lanesboro, Minnesota
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15px;Georgia, Palatino, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif

Burlington Man Accused of Importing Deer From a Chronic Wasting Disease Endemic Area
BURLINGTON, Vt. - A Burlington man is accused of importing deer from a chronic wasting disease (CWD) endemic area. 

A press release says during a multi-year investigation, Alan Baker imported a deer from a New York captive hunt facility. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Game Wardens obtained evidence of four deer being imported from Lowlands Whitetails Hunting Ranch in Lowville, N.Y. 

Baker is charged with three counts of importing deer from a Chronic Wasting Disease endemic area and captive hunt facility. If convicted, Baker faces a maximum fine of $1,000 for each count with five points charged against the offender's privilege to hunt, fish, and trap. Baker could also lose his hunting, fishing, and trapping privileges for two years upon conviction. 

The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department says CWD is a fatal disease of the brain and nervous system in deer and elk. 

Imported deer or elk with CWD require special processing. Vermont's CWD regulation applies to hunters bringing in deer or elk carcasses from the following states and provinces: Alberta, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Saskatchewan, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

Were these deer dead or alive?  Not real sure where the endemic comes from?  This ranch has never had CWD but maybe they consider Ny an endemic area as a whole.


I read on another site that they raided his home and i guess he is a retired police captain. 
Evidently the same Idiots that right these stories and write these Rules and Policies.....................Have NEVER traveled the Interstates,Highways,Black Tops and Gravel Roads of America when this time of year...............Animal Carcasses can be SEEN DAILY traveling on trailers and in the backs of Pickup trucks and SUV's.....................From anyone of the above States mentioned that must not have been checked yet for..................."The Transportation ACROSS State Lines"..............That have NOT yet been checked or "Received SPECIAL Treatment of CWD"!!!!!


Talk about LMFAO..................Really in Missouri ............"Special" Must mean ANY Ditch or Local Landfill ? :huh:
That dick monkey sabalow printed a misleading headline on his facebook page with negative delivery.. The guy was a retired cop and he shot the deer in a hunting preserve that had a 10 year herd certification. he did not properly debone and process the deer before transport across state lines. legal hunt and preserve has clean record, 70 year old guy that made a bone head mistake. His fault but the liberal media will portray it with their misleading spin on it.

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