just got two buck fawns,one weighted 4lb 15 oz, the other 4lb 8 oz, along with a mummified fetus. i pulled both to bottle feed as it is raining and cold here in nc Kansas. the other reason being, this doe had a hard time adjusting to my place,i received her the 2nd of april and thought i was going to lose her. she basiclly quit eating and lost ALOT of weight. i treateded her twice about a week apart before she came aroud and started eating good.so as she is still thin i thought it best to bottle feed the fawns. this doe has not shed her hair like my other doe has, any thoughts on why? both treated the same,half gallon of a grain mix,good leafy alfalfa daily,and smooth brome growing in the pen. i been changing their water at least twice a week.the other doe that has shed gets an apple a day,however the doe that has not shed just seems to be a fussy eater.they also have some cattle mineral in there pen along with salt,but neither seem to use either. anyway, any suggestions on what she is missing or needs?
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