Ecoli problem

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Apr 4, 2009
Vaughn, MT 59487
I posted this last year after I had Ecoli. We had a wet year the same as this year.

I was hit by ecoli last year and will try to get better immunity through the mothers milk system. I have given Scour-Guard 4KC to the does in hopes this will provide the immunity to the fawns. The shots are not labeled for deer but then what is. No does have shown any response to the 4KC shots. I will not know if this does help till I fawn. I will also give oral products to the fawns within 10 hours of birth to help build a better immune response to the Ecoli. I've done all I can to help stop this problem from coming back this fawning season.

My current belief is any problem you have in your fawns with a identified disease problem should be helped with a better immunity provided through the mothers first milk as your first line of defense.

Well I found out other deer farmers were already doing this from Dr. Donley.

My results were this year (2011) was not a single problem with any scours in mother raised fawns or bottle fawns. I gave all fawns Immunoboost and Bar Guard also. With the rain for over twenty days and night temps at 40 degrees all during fawning I expected problems. Just thought other deer farmers would like to know what worked for me on Ecoli. It is a pleasure to work with fawns when they are healthy.

Immunoboost is a mycobacterium cell wall fraction immunostimulant for E. coli (k99) and given IV. I used the 1cc dose just like for cattle.
Ecoli is a type of bacteria that can cause diarrhea, cramps and fever. It is found in dissertation services undercooked beef, unpasteurized milk and contaminated water. This bacterial infection affects millions of people each year.

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