This is one of the things we are trying to accomplish, educate the general public and we do need your help. A small group has already purchased a double booth at the harrisburg Sportsman show, purchased a banner for the booth, purchasing entry pads, purchasing education material, we have several ranches that have donated doe and buck to give away to get the general public out to see what it is all about. We need to educate the general public now, not later as to the benifits, safety and fun a ranch can be for a family. We need your financial support to help pay for all of this. This is a plea to all PA farmers to rise up and help make a change in attitude, to help grow our industry back to where it was and more, to change attitudes of people who just have no idea but they talk like they do. Go to "Industry and Planning" - "your help is needed" on the forums and let your voice be heard by donating to this cause. We have a short window to raise the needed funds so take a stand and let your voice be heard, make a differance by donating.