Is Deer Farming really profitable

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Nov 4, 2021
We just bought a deer farm in Logan, Ohio originally to be used as a cabin rental property but since it had a state of the art deer farm facility we decided to look into deer farming. My partner and I are both avid outdoor enthusiasts and love what we saw when looking at this deer facility when it was up and running. Now the person that owned the farm was on the high-end breeder side of the business. We want to start off in the stocker market side of the business. My plan is to start with 65 bred does and grow from there. I've done a lot of homework and calculations, I understand we wont see a return a for minimum 2 years. Our goal is to breed bucks in the 200" range by 2 years old and would like to target 75-100 bucks per year.

I have not seen a post where I'm seeing farmers talk about the profitability side of the business. We are wildlife enthusiasts but we are also businessmen and I need to see the business cash flow.

I know there are a ton a variables that can impact the profitability, I'm look for answers in general if all goes well there is meat on the bone with tupe of farming.

We also will be looking at antler, urine and venison sales as well any comments on this topic is welcomed.

Thanks in advance for your support and answers.

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