Fawns through fence

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I knew what IKE was saying but yes they can make things fit to their agendas is right.

I seem to catch things like this because I am not rel smert and read slooow. Then I catch everything:)
Deer NEVER get through or over an 8' game fence. If they did and people published that it occurred on a regular basis, the feds and PETA would use those words against the deer industry. Duh!!!
CameronCrow said:
(6/1/09) I had a 3 week old fawn hanging 3-3.5 feet in my fence face down. I brought him in and gave him pedialyte, .1cc of dexamethozon, .1 cc of banamine, and .5 cc of penicillin. His swelling went down (temporarily) but tendons in the back legs were weak so I put splints on them and it working great I was able to take one off and the other splint will come off today. But I am having to bottle raise him.

He ate good for 3 days then stopped 6/5/09. At the end of the day I tubed him with 4oz of pedialyte and 4 oz of my milk mixture.

(By not eating, he takes 2 gulps then closes his mouth cause the rest of the milk to fall to the floor. I have tried differnt types of nipples at different hardness)

On 6/6/09 at noon I gave him .3cc of banamine, .3cc of B12 then tubed him again that night because he didn’t eat again that day.

On 6/7/09 at noon I gave him .3cc of banamine and 7 cc of probios and tubed him again that night because he didn’t eat AGAIN but developed diarrhea. I gave him a recipe of 4 oz pedialyte, 4 oz milk mixture, 6 adult poop pellets, pinch of salt, 5cc SMZ, 1 teaspoon of fresh dirt, and 1 teaspoon of yogurt.

Today he received .3cc of banamine, .3 dexamethozon, .3 cc batral (sub-q). And had to tube him again tonight with same recipe as 6/7/09.

The swelling has gone down in his joint a little but the fawn is still stressed out and wont eat. The tendons in one “ankle” have tightened back up and the other leg hasn’t. I took the splints off both legs hoping maybe he’d eat. ANY IDEAS??? I'm tired of tubing him, but I don’t know what else to do.
We put 3' chicken wire on the fence in every pen that will have fawns in it. We have to replace it every two years or so.
I put up 6' chicken wire around the pen. the buried wire around the bottom on outside to stop varments from digging + electric wire outside top and bottom. In addition, put sheet metal (tin) around outside bottom tight against the chicken wire. Put up lots of flagging on the wire. Have not had a problem with deer jumping or varments of any kind!

Guess that I'm lucky, but I walk the fence daily.
I posted this earlier, but instead of chicken wire which needs replacing - use 4 ft. chain link. It lasts forever and does the job.
I sell stay tuff fence and I would recommend the 1348-3 fence to solve your issue, this is a 12.5 g class 3 galvanized fence you can attach to the bottom of your fence. We also sell the 2096-3 if you prefer. Chain link is expensive, heavy to move and won't do any more then the fence I quoted above but cost more.

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