Here is a list of our 2012 fawns so far. We still have around 100 in the oven our of Stone Cold, Crown Maker, Energizer, Maxbo 727, Flees Rocky, Walking Tall, Big Business, Crash, Burn, Dirtdobber, Downright, and Kershaw.
Bill Holdman
Elam Woods Whitetails
Ph 318-381-1534
Animal Sire Dam Pedigree Sex
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Bl 2001- Downright---- Maxin Alike/Lil Larry/Maxboson/Flees Magnum-- M
Bl 2002- Downright---- Maxin Alike/Lil Larry/Maxboson/Flees Magnum-- M
Bl 2003- Downright---- John David/SR Max/Chet --- F
Bl 2004- 20-28-------- Powerball/Superstar/Website womb ---- M
Bl 2005- 20-28-------- Powerball/Superstar/Website womb ---- F
Bl 2006- Maxbo Picket-- Maxbo Select/Reno/Boone/Tex---- F
Bl 2007- Maxbo Picket--- Maxbo Select/Reno/Boone/Tex---- F
Bl 2008- Downright----- Maxin Eagle/Hurricane Rumble/Thunder--- F
Bl 2009- Downright----- Maxin Eagle/Hurricane Rumble/Thunder--- M
Bl 2010- Maxbo ------- Rolex/Maxboson/Maxin/Sarge ---------- M
Bl 2011- Cardiac Kid---- Maxbo/Peacock/BJ/Flees ----- F
Bl 2012- Cardiac Kid---- Maxbo/Peacock/BJ/Flees ----- F
Bl 2013- Maxbo --- Rolex/Maxboson/Maxin/Sarge---- M
Bl 2014- Maxbo Thicket-- Peacock/BJ/Flees ----- M
Bl 2015- Maxbo Thicket-- Peacock/BJ/Flees ------ M
Bl 2016- Maxbo Thicket-- Peacock/BJ/Flees ----- F
Bl 2017- Bucky Jr ----- Rolex/Maximus CR/Buddy jr/Dropper---- M
Bl 2018- Bucky Jr ----- Rolex/Maximus CR/Buddy jr/Dropper ---- M
Bl 2019- Bucky Jr ---- Rolex/Maximus CR/Buddy jr/Dropper---- M
Bl 2020- Bucky Jr------ Rolex/Maximus CR/Buddy jr/Dropper ----- M
Bl 2021- Bucky Jr ---- Rolex/Maximus CR/Buddy jr/Dropper ---- F
Bl 2022- Maxin Look Alike-- Corbin/RC/BJ2/Patches----- F
Bl 2023- Maxin Look Alike-- Corbin/RC/BJ2/Patches------ M
Bl 2024- BW XL 747---- Maxbo 727/Peacock/BJ2/Flees buster -- F
Bl 2025- BW XL 747---- Maxbo 727/Peacock/BJ2/Flees buster--- F
Bl 2026- Maxbo ----- Sunrise/Goliath/mary------ M
Bl 2027- Walking Tall--- Shadow/Sunrise/Goliath/Mary----- F
Bl 2028- Walking Tall--- Shadow/Sunrise/Goliath/Mary----- F
Bl 2029- Maxbo ------ Sunrise/Goliath/mary----- M
Bl 2030- Bucky Jr ----- Big Drift/Highroller/Bj/Walks magnum --- F
Bl 2031- Bucky Jr ----- Big Drift/Highroller/Bj/Walks magnum --- M
Bl 2032- Grand Canyon--- Maxbo Hardcore/2nd chance/RC/BJ2 --- M
Bl 2033- Grand Canyon--- Maxbo Hardcore/2nd chance/RC/BJ2 --- F
Bl 2034- Timebomb----- Full House/Max/Big E------ M
Bl 2035- Timebomb----- Full House/Max/Big E----- F
Bl 2036- Maximus DT---- Sundowner/Lucky jr/Scar ---- M
Bl 2037- Bucky jr ----- Sunriser/Maxin/Peacock/BJ2/Buster--- M
Bl 2038- Downright---- Maxin Alike/John David/Thunder--- F
Bl 2039- Downright---- Maxin Alike/John David/Thunder--- F
Bl 2040- Ranger Yearling-- Maxin/Drifter/Highroller/Lucky--- F
Bl 2041- Ranger Yearling-- Maxin/Drifter/Highroller/Lucky--- F
Bl 2042- Gladiator Express-- Maxbo/Peacock/BJ/Flees --- M
Bl 2043- Gladiator Express-- Maxbo/Peacock/BJ/Flees --- M
Bl 2044- Downright---- Bogun/Flees Magnum/Ringo --- M
Bl 2045- Downright---- Bogun/Flees Magnum/Ringo --- M
Bl 2046- Downright---- Bogun/Flees Magnum/Ringo --- M
Bl 2047- Crash ----- Sunbo/Demar Flash----- F
Bl 2048- Crash ----- Flees MagnumHoosier/BuckO/Buckwheat--- F
Bl 2049- Crash ----- Flees MagnumHoosier/BuckO/Buckwheat--- M
Bl 2050- Crash ----- Sunbo/Demar Flash--- F
Bl 2051- Crown Maker--- Grand Canyon/Sundowner/Nick/Frisco -- M
Bl 2052- Crown Maker--- Grand Canyon/Sundowner/Nick/Frisco-- F
Bl 2053- Crash ----- Flees Magnum/Ringo/John Weaver--- M
Bl 2054- Crash ------ Flees Magnum/Ringo/John Weaver--- F
Bl 2055- Gladiator Express-- Sundowner/maxin/Big jake/Flip--- M
Bl 2056- Downright---- Double Max/Hydroax/Pharoah/Cisco--- F
Bl 2057- Downright---- Max/Crackerjack./Maverick --- F
Bl 2058- Downright---- Max/Crackerjack./Maverick --- M
Bl 2059- Big-N-Bad---- Maxbo Hardcore/Maxbo/Palmer/Tami-- F
Bl 2060- Big-N-Bad---- Maxbo Hardcore/Maxbo/Palmer/Tami-- M