Highest Scoring yearling buck contest

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Jun 18, 2009
Perryville, Mo. USA
This is a contest to see who can grow the highest scoring yearling buck. There will only be 12 straws of semen used for this contest. Your chances of winning are very high. You can purchase one straw or more if you wish. You can also split the straw if you wish. If you want to enter but don't have a good doe, ask a friend that may have one and partner up with them.

The buck semen used will be "5Brow". And again, there will only be 12 straws used. 5Brow was a son of Hydro Ax's mother and a 50/50 son. He was advertised very little due to the damage of his rack and pedicle while in velvet as a yearling. He has produced many big sons. Mark Pierce (owner of Hydro Ax) used 5Brow and produced several 190" 2 year old shooters. He now has the huge framed Mr. A, 260" + which is a son of 5Brow. Two yearlings in Oklahoma 140's and 150's. Jason Westridge had a 149" yearling out of 5Brow, he also produced Loyd Ervin's 189" yearling buck Good Job. He is two this year and is about 30" wide outside. Jason also had a 150" yearling last year and a couple of 200" 2 year olds with heavy beams and big frames. Terry Cartright had triplet yearlings out of 5Brow, all 3 were 140's and 150's. I had two 3 year olds out of a 5Brow daughter that scored 220" and 260". Steve Thayer also had some very nice bucks he was very proud of out of 5Brow.

Rules are, you can purchase one straw or more, you can split the straw. It must be used in this years 2010 AI program. I will want a copy of the doe or does DNA sheet in which to be AI'ed. The highest scoring yearling produced will be DNA'd also before any proceeds are released. The cost per straw to enter is $1,250. The winner of the highest scoring buck will receive $7,500 after the buck is DNA'd back to 5Brow and to the doe which was said to be AI'ed to. Scoring will be done by an official SCI scoring member. In case of a tie, the buck with the greatest inside spread will take first place. Second place will receive $1,250.

Time is running short on this, if you have that one doe you can count on to be a winner or if you have an extra doe or two that you are not sure of what to AI her to this year, this is a low risk, high reward chance to receive a good return.

Call me at 573-517-1865 and comment here if you wish. Straws will be released when all money is collected and all 12 straws are gone. I will post again here as soon as the 12th straw is entered in the contest.

If you wish please pass this information to an Amish friend that may not use a computer. 12 straws may go very quickly.

Thanks and good luck,

Jeff Flentge

Jeff correct me if I'm wrong but 5 Brow is out of Knocko (50/50 son) and a PA doe (Hydroax's mother). I have seen a lot of 5 Brow sons at Deepwoods Whitetails and they are huge. I also believe Mark Pierce's buck you are referring to is Triple A, which is out of a 5 Brow doe.
Jeff this is a double breed Fivebrow yearing


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Yes, I did mean Triple A, thanks Paul. Can you post a picture of Triple A, I can't get one moved from the Exchange sight.

Great looking buck Steve. How about using that same doe in the contest?
Jeff i will try to post a picture of triple a. He scored 268 5x6main frame 28 inside. He is one of the biggest frame deer we have here . He will be bred to our marty-gras does this year. Mark twin lakes paradise
This is Ervin Whitetails' "Good Job" out of a double-bred 5 Brow buck. He scored 188" @ 1 w/ 21 5/8" IS & 29 3/8" OS. We haven't scored him yet at 2, but here is his picture. We will score him in a week or so. Any guesses?

You can see more pictures of EW Good Job at my website here

Also, Good Job's daddy might be for sale, if someone is interested...


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I will post the names of the contestants after all 12 straws are sold. So far the does being used are not top of the line does, these guys just want to play. This could get interesting.


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