Humane Society speaks out about Indy Star article

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data-time="139661838291112" Hotrod

If all the money raised and sent into National Organizations was used for the industry we would be much much better off.  Too many personal agendas protected instead of an industry.  Well Put! But it is Not Just the National level Hotrod it is at State levels also. These are the very Associations that were created by US for US. How is that working out?
boy if you want to get a good laugh for the day go to  and read the thread about the indy star.  I tried for 1 1/2 years to get registered and they finally let me about 3 months ago.  My handle is dominator.  PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO REGISTER to bombard them they will not register you. I am the only one out of 5 people I know that they registered.  I have tried edumacting these hill jacks.  LOL no, some are smart and you can tell they are thinking and others are ........hill jacks.  wow did I get under some of  their skin with the FACTS.    
The NRA's national convention is in Indianapolis the end of this month. There are hundreds of booths there. This would be a great platform for some one to articulate our industries perspective to the Indy Star article. Most of our states legislature who have any chance of supporting us will attend this venue along with many national politicians. It's time for NaDeFA to spend some money and send Shawn here to man a booth and communicate our industries point of view to the audience there. I am not a fan of the NRA after watching them back those in Florida who greedily got their boarder closed, but we are teetering like a three leg dog in the wind here.
Politicians attend because the NRA gives each of them a grade. Our governor Mike Pence will no doubt be there and likely some of the judges hearing the states appeal of Rodney's preserve win. I would be more than willing to donate the use of our mounts of Thunderstrike and Allstar for use at a booth. They would definitely grab some attention. There is no way those against our industry will claim they have the man made look. The national media will be there and some ambitious journalist might actually see the booth and respond in that paper to the Indy stars garbage. There is an opportunity here to reach some powerful people of influence and maybe get some free positive press I don't think should be wasted.
Jerri Lee you were"killing em softly" with facts on It was interesting how the moderator would suddenly feel the need to start a new page,when your post were destroying their logic , he was obviously siding with them. Awesome job defending the industry!
Dad spoke with the Nadefa director and he will be attending the NRA's convention in Indianapolis but was informed they will not have a booth and they have never had one at an NRA convention before. I am very dissatisfied with this response. Furthermore I am disappointed, Shawn,being an executive director doesn't understand the value in purchasing a stage" booth" this year which would give him a pulpit to respond to the Indy Star/ USA Today's disparaging articles and unfair persecution of our industry. My older brother, Nate Bell,an Arkansas state representative will be attending also. He has authored and co- authored several peices of gun friendly legislation but few people will know he is merely there. A booth should be purchased and manned by the person with the most knowledge who can defend us. Huge typical deer at a booth will draw,like a moth to a flame the inquisitive minded judge, the objectively thinking politician,the media or individual to your booth especially after the Indy stars recent portrayal of us. It will be up to the "our person" at the booth to respond and defend us. It will be a shame if Nadefa waste this opportunity and I personally feel it will be a waste of NADefa's resources to be in attendance only.
I would suggest calling Keith warren. He would be a great guy to have there. He is excellent at speaking and responding to negative comments. We hired Keith to speak at the Minnesota deer classic, which is mostly wild herd hunters. He did an excellent job! Well worth it!
I agree and love Keith Warren's charisma. I don't have the gravitas or organization it takes to get him there but I think he would be the perfect man for the job. Maybe Nadefa can facilitate getting him there?Dad is on our IDEFA board I will see if they would be in support.
Dad said"Idefa would have funded this but the booth space is now gone."Whom ever idea it was to get Keith Warren to come to you all's deer hunter Classic was on the ball.Good job up there. Its better to deal with the cause than the consequence.

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