Dad spoke with the Nadefa director and he will be attending the NRA's convention in Indianapolis but was informed they will not have a booth and they have never had one at an NRA convention before. I am very dissatisfied with this response. Furthermore I am disappointed, Shawn,being an executive director doesn't understand the value in purchasing a stage" booth" this year which would give him a pulpit to respond to the Indy Star/ USA Today's disparaging articles and unfair persecution of our industry. My older brother, Nate Bell,an Arkansas state representative will be attending also. He has authored and co- authored several peices of gun friendly legislation but few people will know he is merely there. A booth should be purchased and manned by the person with the most knowledge who can defend us. Huge typical deer at a booth will draw,like a moth to a flame the inquisitive minded judge, the objectively thinking politician,the media or individual to your booth especially after the Indy stars recent portrayal of us. It will be up to the "our person" at the booth to respond and defend us. It will be a shame if Nadefa waste this opportunity and I personally feel it will be a waste of NADefa's resources to be in attendance only.