Scott, I disagree, I think deer can feel love and show love. My Rosa has been away from "home" for 4 months now, and when she sees/smells me she starts to run around, back and forth from excitement and she stands erect and beautiful. She is clearly the largest, tallest, most beautiful of all. They're just a bunch of jealous girls... hehehehehe
In all seriousness though, Rosa shows me love. I will film it for you one day- you'll see for yourself. She stands next to me, presses her body against my hip and when I bend down, she places her head on top of mine and pushes on it gently. She also plays with me as soon as I come into her pen. She is not friendly with anyone else unfortunately. But she does like the good-lucking buck in the pen next door...
Thanks for the de-wormer/antithelmics schedule, Scott, I really appreciate it.