Interesting story about qdma Brian Murphy allegedly killing kittens.

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John Paul Morris is Jimmy Morris' son as photographed at Teague Ranch . . . unless there is another John Paul Morris, of course.
Boy it is amazing what you can find out when you do your homework:


Chris Asplundh, QDMA board of director, CEO Asplundh tree service, one of the largest contractors for clearing and maintaining power lines in this country has a deer farm in PA and a high fence hunting operation in FL.


I would guess he was behind closing of the borders in FL as well.  Educate and infiltrate . . . . 


I am happy to see that there are board members of the QDMA that actually support our business....wish they would just be honest and upright about it.
Rhonda , Regarding your ban from qdma website, Pretty curious isn't it?? You signed on legit and you sent a PRIVATE message intent for only one person directly and asked him to KINDLY remove the post or wording. He changed the title but not the post. The the next day you receive a notice from the forum moderator that your banned???  Currious why would and what reason could they ban you if you did not openly post anything negative or demeaning on their forum. Just private contact with a single individual.   Two ways it may have  happened , One Singleterry cried and forwarded your request to a moderator and claimed he was being harassed and got banned, Or your conversation was read and possibly screened by a Admin or Mod and they banned. Either way you did nothing wrong and I would look at contacting your State Att General, and see if they have a consumer affairs dept, Also Ga as well. And tell them your story.  Also if they are monitoring private messages between two private parties without consent that maybe considered interstate wiretapping.(You in Iowa, He in Texas)  See US Code 2511on Interception and Disclosure of ANY WIRE or ORAL communications.
Seems to me a number of violations have happened with QDMA and the ideology they support by encouraging legislators to turn their backs on private property rights of farmers and turn a blind eye at a time when our gun rights are under attack in this country....well no words for any of that.  


Yes, all messages were private to Mr. Singeltary and presented in a nonthreatening manner....unless, of course, he thought that it was threatening that I reportedly made hard copies of both QDMA and Deer forums discussions identifying dates and times of people's posts showing how Mr. Singletary had "slanted" his "snip its" solely to provoke his QDMA and other website audiences to attack my family personally.


Unfortunately, because I was banned, I cannot pull the private messages up to copy them in this post.  I suppose that would take a court order....US Code there's a load of information.
I just got done watching whitetail properties and Kip Adams from QDMA goes on to say how "QDMA started in TX and is going on strong today, TX kills more bucks then any other state in the country and 2 out of every 3 bucks shot are at least 3 years old, that is extremely impressive and an excellent reason to hunt in TX". Well no kidding Einstein, 2/3 of the good deer hunting properties in TX is high fenced. And then of course they feature a TX high fence property for sale, unbelievable the crap these idiots will say and contradict themselves in the next tv show in order to please whatever the audience may be that's watching and may spend some money with them. I highly doubt if any of these guys have ever produces a true 5-6 year old 170 inch wild buck on any property they own or manage. I watch em all the time shoot 3 year olds and call them "mature". A 3 year old wild buck is far from mature, a 3 year old buck is about as mature as a freshman with a 6 pack of whine coolers at a free dance with a bunch of sophomore girls hanging around. :wub:
Oh yea So many crews film in Texas because of the ease of getting deer on camera in a free range setting but as SD said above a lot of the private lands are high fenced. Personal and private property owners rights are respected.  There are hypocrites in a lot of the outdoor shows today, Look at how most shoot over corn piles or corn spread out and hidden in a food plot so the camera does not see it. They have to get a kill shot or its no show as far as the production company is concerned. The basic principles of qdm are pretty simple . Its just that for years not a lot of people in parts of the country practiced it.  You can read how it first got its start in SC.  Ok Im not meaning this in a bad way but just being honest . You have a state that's split in half .One half of wildlife is overseen by the house and the other half by the DNR??. If qdma was such a big hit and soon out grew it self as stated why is it that its one of the most poorly managed states for deer??? Unlimited buck harvest, Poor buck to doe ratios, Coyote populations increasing pretty heavy. The average life span of deer there is 1.5 years old.Its a great state and good people. So tell me why its not working if they claim its the home for qdma???
I saw a report that said that Texas is 1/3 high fenced.  The quality of deer in Texas has improved dramatically over the last 20 years.  It is no credit to the DNR, it's the private land owners that have made it happen.  Think about all the genetics that was sent into Texas 10-15 years ago.  The northern bloodlines made this happen.  Also these farms release deer all the time, to enhance their hunts.  Texas is a success story, but it was deer farmers that made it happen.
Look at Alabama, Its borders are closed now but the industry is safe,thriving and doing very well. People are employed, the business are run very well and it also brings in good revenue for the owners and also revenue for state tax base.NC was held back for years by the state WRC and farmers were given one excuse after another and delay after delay until a small group took things seriously and got people to see past the misinformation and single sided info that was given to them via qdma or PGC in Penn or cwd alliance again with single sided info.

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