Interesting Thinking!

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Oct 31, 2009
upstate ny
Some thoughts from the qdma boys!


verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;(0,0,0)Indiana General Assembly close to passing Bill to allow High Fence Hunting
(0,0,0);verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;I just read in my local newspapers that the Indiana General Assembly is close to passing a bill to allow new high fence deer and elk hunting preserves. This is bad news for Indiana's deer herd. Chronic Wasting Disease will definitely move into Indiana if they pass this bill and new hunting preserves open up. They already had a deer escape from a deer farm two years ago and they could never find it. The deer came from a deer farm in Pennsylvania and the farm had indivduals that tested positive for chonic wasting disease. One chamber passed it last year but the other chamber nixed it last year only because the senator in charge of wheather a bill can go up for vote was against it last year. He told reporters that he was misinformed in 2013 and may allow for the full vote of it. The governor of Indiana already supports allowing new high fence deer operations. Sad day in wildlife conservation!(Quote)
They are gonna pass a bill that you will be able to put up a preserve but you wont be able to afford it.  This bill is absolutely crazy. Indiana says we need a starting point, but this is BULL SH!!!.  But obviosly 4 the preserves operating now love it because they will be exempt of the new rules.


Initial fee for preserve $5,000 and annual renewal $1,500

remove all trees 4in diameter within 50 feet of fence 0000ff(so if you double fence you have to remove 100ft wide for the fence)

scar the antlers so they cannot be in any recordbook 0000ff(who does this?????)

not introduce any drug or chemical that impedes mobility prior to or during hunt 0000ff("PRIOR" what the heck does this mean???? should give a time for withdrawl)

160  contiguous acres 0000ff (at 4-8K/acre is the going rate of land in Indiana, even wooded, it will take close to 1million in land to for a new preserve)

perimeter fence 10 feet or a double fence of 8 ft each 0000ff(to satisfy the anti's)

grandfather existing 4 preserves 0000ff(some have way less acerage)

transport tag and $150buck/$50 doe 0000ff(the deer farmer will pay for this one)

puts DNR back in charge 0000ff(judge ruled that DNR had no jurisdiction over Cervids(livestock), this is one step back to getting it all under dept of ag or SBOAH)

restricts sale and transferability of an ownership interest 0000ff(WTF????)

prohibits ownership interest in more than one preserve at a time in Indiana 0000ff(WTF????)

animal has to be in preserve at least 24 hrs

at least 50% escape cover

no hunting 150 yds of feeder

stands 75 yards from fence facing to center

no more than 1 hunter per 20 acres


If passed this will null and void the appeal- it will put it back in the hands of the DNR and likely deter any other preserves from opening

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