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The guy was a wealth of deer knowledge.  It is a shame if he had stolen money from people.  Has he ever been convicted?  As to whether he served in special forces: telling "hero" stories is human nature -- does this mean Brian Williams committed a felony?  To listen to him talk, he was so into uniting the industry and getting past CWD issues.  He never asked me for money nor did I witness him asking for money to anyone else.


But, are there not several people in this industry that have toed the line a bit with false auction prices, selling way more semen than stated, claimed straw was bad (to get replacement straw) but really got fawns, partnered on a deer and sold straws without sharing the proceeds with partner, and so many other things could be listed??
He got a guy here in Indiana for a few thousand, and he was all over Russ Bellar for money but never got any from him. Last I heard it goes a lot deeper than just stealing money.
He was full of bologna and lacked knowledge. He completely fabricated numbers to fit his agenda or narrative. No one questioned his figures. He knew exactly how many deer have died throughout history from both EHD and CWD. Are you kidding me? No one bothered to question him about the origin of this info? He was a quick learner and very adept at regurgitating information. When someone gave him info, immediately it was from his imaginary files and his own research. He had no original thoughts other than the lies he made up. He was excellent at deception....until he came to Sunday dinner.
Lack of ethics are one thing but breaking the law is another.

He is in jail with a 40,000 bond

He had a felony warrant

Nobody knows his real name yet and he had refused to provide it

He was refusing to be finger printed

This man was not a deer farmer

This man was not a college graduate like he claimed

This man was not a nutritionist

This man was not a biologist

He lived in a hotel which he claimed was a business office

He DID steal money from a couple deer farmers that I know

This man was a scam artist ready to make a big take/scam in the deer industry

This in no way equates running up a bid or selling weak straws. You don't change your name or show up out of the clear blue sky for no reason.
Hey - I'm not supporting the guy or attacking him.  I just find it odd why the witch hunt.  There are already people in this industry tried and convicted on worse crimes yet continue to be in the limelight. Just saying...
No problem Jim, but this guy is right where he needs to be right now. A good friend was taken by him and we have no use for a thief. Like I said before it goes a lot deeper than just stealing money. There is a reason for hiding his identity, with multiple Id cards. I bet you never here from him again... Just saying

1. John Wayne Koleniak was never in any branch of the US military at any time. He fraudulently obtained assistance from a wounded warrior program in Wake County North Carolina.

2. John Wayne Koleniak had pawned most of his firearms in the days just before he was apprehended on 2/10/15 and he was attempting to flee the country.

3. John Wayne Koleniak was not adopted and law enforcement officials have spoken with his actual family and they were victimized by him as well.

4. John Wayne Koleniak's father was a barber and not a farmer of any kind. His family never owned or managed land of any kind in Colorado, including elk hunting land. They were from Virginia.

5. John Wayne Koleniak is an absconder/fugitive of justice from another state. He has a long string of crimes and victims, which law enforcement stated spans 30 years. His first felony conviction was in 1988, at the age of 25. He is also a suspect in other crimes, which will be publicly revealed as formal indictments occur in the coming weeks.

John Wayne Koleniak was publicly speaking out against high fence hunting just 3 1/2 years ago. His interest in uniting our industry was rooted in his organized plan to profit financially from it. (He stated to several of us that he must receive a minimum of $100,000 per year as President of the new organization he was attempting to form.)

Many of our intelligent and successful friends and colleagues were "taken" by JK, in more ways than just dollars and cents. The fact that we chose to have faith in another human being is not a bad thing. However, we are fortunate that the truth was uncovered before it went any further.
This is a bio that he sent to NADEFA a few months ago, when soliciting a position with them-

Good Morning Kent, I will condense this for you in a quick updated format for you, I know you don’t have time to go through 10 pages of reference material. So I will try and keep this to one page.

I grew up in the beef cattle and farming industry and family had a hunting and guiding operation in NW Colorado for 28 years. At 21 I entered the Military and served 20 years in the US Army.16 Years with USSCOM, CAG Retired at the rank of Sgt Major. Military accomplishments and MOS supplied upon request. I undertook my studies in Biochemistry first and later my second major in Wildlife management and conservation science. Upon separation from military in 2004 I moved full time into developing a better more informative and modern form of wildlife management and consulting company. I implemented better ways for land owners to manage their land, conduct soil, water and plant tissue analysis and programs for better crop production and save money in the process. I developed our own soil water and plant testing lab and have the ability to do in the field analysis and real time results with our mobile testing equipment I also moved into the area of health and nutrition and have been raising deer for nutritional research and digestive physiology studies, In 2009 I took my Biochemistry experience to develop species specific feeds for cervids.I also am heavily involved in both Nano and Colloidal technology research and Spiro plasma research. In 2008 I became more involved in infectious diseases related to cervids both captive and free range. I started tracing back the history of CWD and its possible transmission vectors. Also looking at which species genotype of deer are or could be more susceptible to cwd. I also have a very intensive background in the studies of viral diseases related to cervids.In 2009 I was contracted by Barenbrug Industries to head up their southeastern US for development of new accounts in their wildlife seed division and maintain the current accounts and increase their sales numbers. My sales numbers from 2009 to 2011 were averaging over $479,000 yearly with an average of 21% growth in new product sales per year. I did a multi-state land and wildlife management tour in 2010 that was targeted to farm and Ag shows and Outdoor Sportsman’s shows. It was educational program to show case interest in areas of high end deer management and captive cervid farming. I have personally designed and build 6 farms for private land owners that went into deer farming, we also include an informative course on animal husbandry, deer handling, shots and medications, fawn care, handling and transporting, etc.. And our free range clients programs have to date over 570,000 acres utilizing our advanced methods of top end deer management and bodybuilding for bucks programs. Education has been a forefront of our programs and by supplying the proper needed information to individuals wanting to learn how to get better use from their land resources. I have been promoting the captive cervid industry for 7 years now and through science based research and facts have been an advocate for the producers and captive cervid industry. I have gained a foot hold in helping dispel a lot of the misinformation that has been spread about the industry by media and independent conservation groups and animal activist groups. I speak to State House and Senate personal on issues related to the industry. I was appointed last spring to serve on a Cervid Disease task force for the NC wildlife commission and also represent the NC deer and elk farmers’ asso as on staff biologist and consultant to speak at state hearing regarding the captive industry. I know there is a lot of information I could cover here but I know you don’t have time to read a 8 page set of documents. I look forward hearing from and meeting with everyone on the board and feel that through promotion, recruiting new members to NADEFA memberships and offering modern science based information to the public to bring us to the forefront of the industry showing that we are a united organization of professionals in the fields of cervid research, agribusiness/deer farming alternative live stock I can effect a better information base to the public about or producers and the organization. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Jon Charles, President. Delta Wildlife Management

Office 919-886-7122

Mobil 919-264-0797
Here he is, making negative and anti-high fence comments less than 4 years ago, on a forum he was active on. This was before he discovered that being pro-deer farming could be financially lucrative for him. He never owned a deer. Read what he posted for yourselves.


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Here are photographs of the transcript of him speaking in NC at the legislative meeting. After actually reading it, I understood why it was being "laughed at" and scoffed at online. Please take the time to actually read it.


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His real name has been discovered in the past few days. Law enforcement has confirmed that his real identity is John Wayne Koleniak.


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One of my family members was threatened by this individual. It is because of her that this man is in custody. She has turned down numerous TV interviews and Ryan Sabalow's requests for her story. She wants to remain anonymous. I want to say thank you for not being intimidated by evil. We all dodged a bullet because of you. Thanks for all you did. I love you.
So glad they found out his true identity. You don't change your name just because it sounds like a good thing to do. Hopefully he will not have a chance to be a menace to society any more. If it was not a GUT feeling by some people who meet him, who knows where he would be now or who he would be scamming. He must have been collecting ammo for his LAST STAND WITH THE LAW. Luckily he did not sneak out of the country before he was apprehended.

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