Want To Buy looking for BREEDER BUCK this fall

Deer Farmer Forum

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Apr 21, 2009
HI I am looking to buy a breeder buck this fall need to be able to come to MN

Qualities I am looking for

* must have a big MAIN FRAME

*LONG tines



* Calm I will not buy a fence banger

Pedigree is kinda important but I am not in the BREEDER market Please send me pictures/pedigrees Thanks JIM SIMONSON

We may have one to sell he is 3 this year and was 205 at 1 and 297 at 2 Texas Tebow / Energizer / Sundowner . You can text me for pics. if you want 312-735-9502 we are not sure yet if we are going to sell him yet and also looks like we will have some big yearlings as well. We are in Illinois 50 miles south of Chicago.

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