Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales Fall Super Sale!

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Apr 18, 2009
Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales


Sept. 22-24th, 2011

Press Release For Immediate Release

Featuring 30 Smokin' Hot Lots

on Friday Night at 7:00PM

Wilmington, Ohio - Sept 22-24th, 2011 -

Here are just a few of the lots offered up for sale!

1. Hardcore/Max/Heavy/Little Boomer Doe

2. Ranger's Dream/Maxbo/Reno Bred Doe

3. Spyder/Sudden Impact/High Roller 2011 Fawn

4. Slick/Duramax 2011 Doe Fawn

5. Sudden Impact/Reggie/Heavy/Little Boomer Doe

6. Big Guy/Bart/Heavy/Pebbles Doe

7. Maxbo/Sudden Impact/PA Geronimo Doe

8. Sudden Impact/Bucky Jr. Doe

9. Lexus/Max/Heavy/Tex Doe AI'd to Slick

10. Sundowner/Reggie/Bucky/ High Roller Bred Doe

11. Showstopper/Double Max/Flees Willy/Bart's Mom

12. Spyder/Sudden Impact

13. Maxin/Butkus/Savage AI'd to Slick

14. Bucky/PA Geronimo AI'd to Big Rig

15. Hardcore/Primetime/Bucky Jr. 2011 Doe Fawn

16. Hardcore/Hydro Ax Mother 2011 Doe Fawn

17. Maxbo/High Roller/Lucky/Little Boomer AI'd to Energizer

18. Max DB/Rigid/Rolex/Max/Flip 2011 Doe Fawn

19. Maximus DT/Flip/Max AI'd to Stone Cold

20. Rolex/Flip/Max AI'd to Shadow

21. Big Guy/PA Geronimo/Poncho Bred Doe

22. Bam Bam/Bart/Bucky's Full Sister AI'd to Bucky

23. Texas Tea's Mother with a full straw if Sticker's (Want to have the only Full Brother to Texas Tea?)

24. Big Guy/Bucky Live Bred to Maxbo Ranger

25. Sudden Impact/Heavy/Little Boomer Ai'd to Black Shadow

26. Hardcore/Jeckyl/Maximus CR/Y 66 (Best Maxbo Daughter) AI'd to Cardiac Kid

27. Hydro Ax/ Waldvogel Torch's Mother

28. Choice Semen Off Flees Farm!

29. Megatron/Bucky/Duramax

30. Reno/Little Beauty

31. Jeckyl/Maximus CR/Maxbo

32. Maxin/Bucky/Louie AI'd to Choice

33. PA Geronimo/Jeckyl's Mother

34. Choice Semen off High Roller Whitetails Farm

35. Maxbo/High Roller/PA Geronimo

36. 5 Straws Choice off Mountain Ridge Whitetails (includes Big Rig)

37. Duramax/Rolex/Max/Flip Bred to Big Rig

38. Sudden Impact/PA Geronimo AI'd to Dream On or Omega

39. 2 Straws of Moab and 2 Straws of Gladiator's Hammer

40. Shadow/Bucky/Marlin

41. 1 Straw Maxbo Ranger!!! Maybe the last one to sell ever!!!

42. 5 Straws 2Wide Semen Venado Creek

43. Big Sir/Rolex/Rocket

44. 5 Straws Semen choice off Waldvogel Whitetails

45. Bart/Bucky/Little Pebbles

46. Maxbo XL/Rold Gold AI'd to Stone Cold

47. Rolex/Maximus CR/Heavy/Little Boomer Bred Doe

48. Choice Breeder Buck off Trophy Whitetail Deer Inc.

This is just a partial listing of this great auction on Sept. 22-24th, 2011 in Wilmington, OH. Please visit our entire catalog on the internet at www.midwestwhitetaildeersales.com or DVauction.com.

The auction will be broadcast live on DV Auction the days of the sale.

If you have any questions or if we can be of assistance please call:

Eric Pinkston 660.342.5851

Matt Kirchner 660.341.0554

Jerry Campbell 847.778.8327

Fall Super Sale

Hotel Rooms are filling fast! The last day for the Room Block is Sept 15th, 2011!

If you do not have your Hotel rooms booked, please due so by Sept 15th, 2011. This great room rate of $99.00 dollars is in effect. Tell the receptionist when booking you are with the Midwest Whitetail Deer Auction Fall Super Sale. There are a limited number of rooms available in the hotel.

Roberts Centre

123 Gano Rd.

Wilmington, OH 45177

Ph: 937.283.3200


I 71 at St. Rd. 68, Exit 50.

Wilmington, OH

Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales

Eric Pinkston


Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales

Matt Kirchner

Just a reminder:

The Hotel For the Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales in Wilmington, OH

Fall Super Sale is selling out fast. Make room reservations soon!

The block is sold out and there are very few rooms left in the Hotel.

The next closest Hotel is 7 Miles away!


Eric Pinkston
Just got mine reserved but I did miss the block, they said not many rooms left.

Looks like its gonna be a pretty good sale!!
Thanks Pure Deer and Warren Whitetails.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the sale this weekend.

Remember if you have an AD in the catalog the booths are free (no charge).

If you can't make the sale please tune in to www.dvauction.com

For full catalog downloads you can visit www.midwestwhitetaildeersales.com

or www.dvauction.com .


Eric Pinkston


Matt Kirchner


Jerry Campbell


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