Needlittle help in Montana

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Rhonda and sdbigbucks thanks for the comment.  Rhonda you know how they work better than most of us.  They don't like the public to see how they work.

I'm very sure I have mitigated their concerns to nothing.  What animal is put behind three eight foot fences and still cause any concern of escape or nose to nose contact.  If these commissionars are honest and not working with an agenda they will put these sheep on the controlled list for game farms it's that simple.  If they are just going to rubber stamp the FWP review commissions what if, could happen might happen crap then they will put them on the prohibited list.
That's the sad thing about the world these days, no one seems to want to think for themselves, they just do what everyone else says is the thing to do. And the people they usually listen to are the ones with a masters degree and no real world experience. Look at the wild deer number across most all the states, way down.  This is because these QDMA dipsticks started this line of BS that if you shoot more does, you'll have more bigger bucks. Most people didn't put any thought process into the fact that if you keep taking away something, it won't make more of it. :huh: They have failed miserably and now they want to blame it on something other then themselves so they attack the farmed industry which is becoming more and more accepted every day. I hope you have some smart common sense people on that commission, good luck.

Got the confirmation message from your MFWP that they appreciated my feed back 10-4.
Thanks so much for the comment Bell.  I'll bet the MFWP guys appreciate your positive comment.  LOL Only about six more hours to make a comment and the comment period will close.  I appreciate all the comments, they might have helped the commission to make the right call on this.

These will be the first Marko Polo in the United States to my knowledge.

Please put in some more comments, they don't have to state anything more that the concerns of the FWP appear to be mitigated to zero so put the sheep on the controlled list.

Over five hundred views and we are getting more comments all the time.  Only  six more hour till the comment period closes.  Please put in some more so FWP knows the public is watching.  Thanks
Well only one hour and the comment period closes.  I want to thank everyone who was kind enough to place a comment and took the time to do so.  Thanks so much. :)
Just got notice today that the two breeds of sheep I asked for are placed on the prohibited list.  Thank you to those of you that tried to help but when dealing with the Montana FWP game farmers will always be on the losing end of the stick here in Montana..
Sorry to hear it Jack. Would cloning still be an option?

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