New Regulations Attack Missouri Deer Farmers

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Jan 21, 2011
Barnett Mo
Just thought i would share this Bs from our state
State Conservation Department Approves Unprecedented Rules for Whitetail & Mule Deer

11ptThe American Cervid Alliance will forward any updates as Missouri cervid farmers continue to work with legislators to protect their livelihoods.   

11ptFrom the Missouri Whitetail Deer Breeders & Hunting Ranch Association:

11ptOn April 28th, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. the regulations committee for the Missouri Department of Conservation met, voted, and approved new regulations concerning captive whitetail deer, mule deer, and hybrids. There were nearly 25 pages of regulations concerning movement, fencing, ownership, testing, tagging and record keeping.  We already have the most stringent testing guideline of any industry in the nation.  These regulations will kill the industry in Missouri and force most operators to quit or move to another state. There are no other states with regulations like these.

11pt Here is a short summary of just a few of the new regulations:

11pt 1. MDC will close the borders to any importation of whitetail deer, mule deer, and hybrids.

11pt a. There has never been a whitetail deer transported across any state line that tested positive for CWD.

11pt 2. MDC will require double fencing (outside fence must be 10 ft) for any new breeder or if an operation is sold or transferred to someone else they have to double fence to get a permit.

11pt a No other states require this regulation.  The Federal rule states that there is no reason for a fence regulation stricter than a single 8 foot fence.

11pt 3. MDC will require mandatory CWD testing on any deer that dies over 6 months old. This includes preserves.

11pt a. The Federal rule and Missouri Department of Agriculture state that no animal that dies under 12 months of age needs to be tested.

11pt 4. Non-residents of Missouri cannot own or transport a deer that is kept on a farm in Missouri

11pt a. This will end any partnerships with investors from other states.

11pt 5.  Mandatory 15 years of records.
11ptThe federal rule states that no trace backs will go back more than 5 years.  15 years is completely ridiculous.  The IRS only requires 7 years.


 6. There can be no new facilities within 25 miles of a CWD positive.

I just read the email. Very discouraging. It is obvious the Conservation is wanting to eliminate deer farms and preserves, not protect the whitetail. I do not understand how any of this is legal. Where are the checks and balances? I know MWBHRA is fighting this hard. I am praying that House Bill 2031 gets passed. That will move us under control of the Ag Dept. Number 4 really gets me. How can they regulate who we partner with? What does that have to do with CWD? If your in Missouri, call your representative today. I am really looking forward to reading comments on this post. Let's all stick together, we must. I know the other states are watching anxiously to see how this turns out. I would love to here from MWBHRA, NADEFA, and the ACA on this one, but I am sure most are at Jefferson City that would normally reply.
Show Me Racks914891398778989

I just read the email. Very discouraging. It is obvious the Conservation is wanting to eliminate deer farms and preserves, not protect the whitetail. I do not understand how any of this is legal. Where are the checks and balances? I know MWBHRA is fighting this hard. I am praying that House Bill 2031 gets passed. That will move us under control of the Ag Dept. Number 4 really gets me. How can they regulate who we partner with? What does that have to do with CWD? If your in Missouri, call your representative today. I am really looking forward to reading comments on this post. Let's all stick together, we must. I know the other states are watching anxiously to see how this turns out. I would love to here from MWBHRA, NADEFA, and the ACA on this one, but I am sure most are at Jefferson City that would normally reply.

I dont even see how this can be legal.  To tell me what i am going to do with my land and whom i am going to leave the farm to??? Yeah Right.  How can they say you cant turn the farm over to a son or grandson or kid up the road. Last i knew, we owned this land and paid our taxes on such. I would be gettin me a good lawyer and file the first lawsuit on the state. Untill papers start getting served against these states it will continue.

 Trust me, They shut us down by playing dirty pool and now that they have been 'Served' their lawyers seem to want to talk to our lawyers just a little bit more. Before the lawsuit was filed they would not give us the time of day. You guys need to ban together and do the same. Those are some of the stupidest rules i have ever seen!!!
I believe the gears are in motion for a lawsuit. The sad part is the Dep of Ag was happy to have us come aboard until the day of the hearing for the House Bill. I have been told that the Governor told them to change their position the day before the hearing.

well i would vote that p.o.s. out when his turn comes assh? bunch of hogwash move to texas


Buckyblue#33 - I'd think about moving to Texas but I'd have to leave my deer behind so what would that gain me...
Thoughts and prayers,we are almost under the same gun here. A lawsuit is the only reason anyone is hunting in a preserve in Indiana. The lawsuit hopefully will be a success!!!

Ha ha I guess Rick Miller was right three years ago when he told idefa board That the only language that the government understands as a lawsuit. When Idefa lost its suit over a year ago the importance to file an appeal according to the lawyer was not relayed to the board by the president. Which would have taken little money to do so at that point because all the rest of the work had already been done.
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Just thought this was appropriate !!!!!

Thanks Brad, just curious have you sent your letter to any newspapers yet?
I am on sites like this standing up for deer farmers and preserves all the time. I hate the uneducated comments from people. I know I am usually pissing in the wind, but have actually gotten through to a few people. I had not thought of sending my article to any papers. I have sent it to my state rep and he has passed it on. Glad you posted a comment with me.
Missouri is a hot spot right now and in my opinion has been since the MDC held those meeting for the public last year. I think it would be a good idea to send your letter to the editor of every newspaper you can find in Missouri.  don't forget the weekly newspapers printed once a week 
Are your borders closed, or is this just the first part of a process?   Are your breeding farmers under Ag? and your preserves under Wildlife?   Or everything under wildlife?

Gary Olson
Evidently as of last night, the borders are closed. Currently we are under MDC. The health (CWD) is through the MDA and the MDC does a pen inspection and inventory check and make up any regulations they want. I think all this began a few years ago. The MDC stopped wanting to do the paper work, so the health went to the MDA. From what I have heard, at that point the MDC lost millions in funding since they did not want to do the health paperwork. If anyone can clarify that, I would appreciate it. I do not like spreading rumors, but it did come from what I consider reliable sources.
Your MDC sent a request for me to send letters to the Senate as I had made comments on their site.  MDC is requesting support to stop the bill which would put you under Ag.  Your MDC is going all the way to stop the industry in MO and keep deer farmers under their control.  I'm so sorry for you guys and our industry as it doesn't look very bright to me. 
(0,0,0);' ', 'Segoe UI', 'Lucida Grande', ;
18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27pxI got this today, is this what you got Jack?
background-(255,255,255) 18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27pxHow can a government agency, lobby against a taxpaying industry?
background-(255,255,255) 18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27pxGary
background-(255,255,255) 18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27px__________________________________________________________
background-(255,255,255) 18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27pxAction Required: Captive Cervids Transfer is Still Alive in Senate

(0,0,0);' ', 'Segoe UI', 'Lucida Grande', ;

l[*] font-weight:700 margin:1px 0px 0px;;background-color:transparentMissouri Department of Conservation
[*]Today at 11:05 AM


Immediate Action Required: Captive Cervids Transfer is Still Alive in Senate
(35,35,35)The Missouri Department of Conservation is sending this information as a conservation-partner courtesy to the Conservation Federation of Missouri.
(35,35,35)April 29, 2014
(35,35,35)From the Conservation Federation of Missouri
Immediate Action Required: Captive Cervids Transfer is Still Alive in Senate 
(35,35,35)Members of the Missouri Senate are still pushing for passage of SB964. This bill aims to transfer control of captive cervids from the Missouri Department of Conservation to the Missouri Department of Agriculture, even though both departments are opposed to the transfer.
(35,35,35)SB964 was perfected on April 23, and is on the Formal Calendar for its third reading. This may happen today. If SB964 passes its third reading, it will head to the House for approval.
(35,35,35)Time is of the essence. Please act now to let your Senator know you are opposed to SB964 and the transfer of captive cervids from the Department of Conservation to the Department of Agriculture.
(35,35,35)Use the following link to look up your Senator and their contact information:
(35,35,35)Dear Senator (Blank),
(35,35,35)As your constituent, I need you to know that I am adamantly opposed to SB964 and the transfer of captive white-tailed deer from the Department of Conservation to the Department of Agriculture.
(35,35,35)There are an estimated 1.5 million wild whitetails in the state of Missouri that over 500,000 hunters pursue each fall. Protecting the wildlife of our state is a major concern of mine. It is also a major concern of my family and my friends.
(35,35,35)Please vote NO to SB964.
(35,35,35)Thank you for your consideration.
(35,35,35)(YOUR NAME)
G O Whitetails915271398817762

(0,0,0);' ', 'Segoe UI', 'Lucida Grande', ;
18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27pxI got this today, is this what you got Jack?
background-(255,255,255) 18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27pxHow can a government agency, lobby against a taxpaying industry?
background-(255,255,255) 18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27pxGary
background-(255,255,255) 18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27px__________________________________________________________
background-(255,255,255) 18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27pxAction Required: Captive Cervids Transfer is Still Alive in Senate

(0,0,0);' ', 'Segoe UI', 'Lucida Grande', ;

l[*] font-weight:700 margin:1px 0px 0px;;background-color:transparentMissouri Department of Conservation
[*]Today at 11:05 AM


Immediate Action Required: Captive Cervids Transfer is Still Alive in Senate
(35,35,35)The Missouri Department of Conservation is sending this information as a conservation-partner courtesy to the Conservation Federation of Missouri.
(35,35,35)April 29, 2014
(35,35,35)From the Conservation Federation of Missouri
Immediate Action Required: Captive Cervids Transfer is Still Alive in Senate 
(35,35,35)Members of the Missouri Senate are still pushing for passage of SB964. This bill aims to transfer control of captive cervids from the Missouri Department of Conservation to the Missouri Department of Agriculture, even though both departments are opposed to the transfer.
(35,35,35)SB964 was perfected on April 23, and is on the Formal Calendar for its third reading. This may happen today. If SB964 passes its third reading, it will head to the House for approval.
(35,35,35)Time is of the essence. Please act now to let your Senator know you are opposed to SB964 and the transfer of captive cervids from the Department of Conservation to the Department of Agriculture.
(35,35,35)Use the following link to look up your Senator and their contact information:
(35,35,35)Dear Senator (Blank),
(35,35,35)As your constituent, I need you to know that I am adamantly opposed to SB964 and the transfer of captive white-tailed deer from the Department of Conservation to the Department of Agriculture.
(35,35,35)There are an estimated 1.5 million wild whitetails in the state of Missouri that over 500,000 hunters pursue each fall. Protecting the wildlife of our state is a major concern of mine. It is also a major concern of my family and my friends.
(35,35,35)Please vote NO to SB964.
(35,35,35)Thank you for your consideration.
(35,35,35)(YOUR NAME)


Yes Sir...That is the same one i got today to help shut down their live's!  Backfired on them!!
You guys better make sure your first lawsuit is prepared spot on, file for an injunction and get ready for a loooong ride.
This bill is being voted on tomorrow. Any one in Missouri, call their Senator before 9 in the morning and ask them to vote yes on SB964. These new regulations came at a good time, while the Senate is still in session. It lit a fire under some very good Senators on our side. If I hear anything else, I will let you all know. Don't forget to call.

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