New Video About Real Facts of CWD- MUST WATCH!

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ddwhitetails said:
Sean how do you see the questions being asked.....I click on the link you supplied and all it does is take me to the video.......

In the comment section below the video.

Here are a few of the comments we've received:

Finding an expert who will say something, is not the same as it being a "fact". Just saying. A number of claims in this video remain supposition, not facts. There are also some gaping holes in logic -- for example, while it is correct that CWD did not originate in farmed cervids, that's completely irrelevant to whether transporting cervids out of present-day facilities in infected states is a smart idea, or not.

There were more citing some statistics about 30, 40 and 50% infection rates in Wyoming and Wisconsin. But the guy deleted them.

First of all thanks for doing this. Under the APHIS summary [Docket No. 00-108-8] of the final rule, I'm quoting.

Page 22. " the scientific knowledge we have suggests that CWD is not highly infectious".

Page 23. " Thus, movement of animals under 81.3 already presents a low risk of spreading CWD, even without considering the low risk associated with the pathway of transportation through a State".

The problem you have with a lot of these government employees is they don't even read or believe their own research material.

With the movement of animals, from herds in the certification program, the USDA considers there little to no risk of moving CWD. Most of these negative comments are from wildlife agency people. They need to lose their tunnel vision, of their DNR brainwashing, and listen to actual animal health experts, the U.S. Vet. Service.

Just posted the video to my Facebook is pretty simple to do......if we all do this just think how many eyes will get to see it.......
There is only one thing that could have made this video any better in my opinion, here it is:

Have some knuckle head from the DNR or a stuffed shirt from DC get on this video and debate cwd with one of these guys. I'm sure they wouldn't though,

because they lack the intestinal fortitude to do so.

Great job to all involved in the making of this video. THANK YOU!!!
Thats the thing guys !!! Theres not one DNR or Gov't employee that knows jack crap about CWD enough to debate it with anyone . They act like it's the most deadly disease out there and because we're a small industry we allow them to treat us and our aniamls like dirt ! I'd like to see anyone from any gov't agency debate CWD with anyone who has taken the time to really study and look into it ! They'd fall flat on their face !!

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