Reading the Ol' Stud -vs- New Kid thread.

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Dec 18, 2009
Denham Springs, La
Reading the Ol' Stud vs New Kid thread made me want to give everyone my thought process of how I made the decision on my starting foundation.

I’m no expert by no means but I thought I would share this info with everyone.

I love deer which bought me to wanting to become a deer farmer but we can all agree when it comes down to it, it’s a business.

I begin my research looking into deer farming as a business.

Statements I believe every person thinking of getting into deer farming or is just starting out needs to hear, understand and live by!!!!

(You can never know where your industry is going unless you know where it began)

“It cost just as much to feed a non-marketable deer as it does to feed a marketable one and it’s a whole lot easier to sell the marketable ones because over time they WILL multiple and you WILL have to sell them to someone.”

This is how my decisions on what I was looking for to start my foundation came about.

(Decisions to be made on cost vs. value vs. return)

My goals: To constantly produce shooters (150” to 180”) in a two year time frame, provide marketable does to customers and hopefully producing a marketable breeder buck. With a return of initial investment within a 5-6 year time frame.

Weighted value of goals:

1. Constantly produce marketable shooters.

2. Constantly Produce a line of does that is marketable and easy to sell to end users.

3. Produce a marketable breeder buck. (Needs to be last because research shows it’s odds of investment vs. return being profitable in less than 5 years are very low for beginning farmer)

First I created a Matrix of questions that I needed to answer in this order.

A. What characteristics I’m I looking for and most marketable?

B. What lines are constantly producing scores that I’m looking for in a 2 year time frame?

C. What lines or pedigrees are most marketable and constant producers?

D. Which of these lines will most likely be in my range of purchasing budget?

My research begins by locating all the information that I could get my hands on past and present.

Those being:

1. Auction catalogs and finding price per lot information

2. Whitetail guide. All volumes (Great info for research because not only pedigrees but auction lot prices in the back for that past year)

3. Reading the deer forums, also using the old forum.

4. Watching Whitetail Exchange

5. Talking with people in the industry.

6. Whitetail Quest

My research concluded with the following results:

(Which should not come to anyone’s surprise)

Top 6 constant producing lines in no particular order:

1. Max Line: Waldvogel Foundation

2. Reno/Doc/ Marlin Line: Sipes Foundation (Goes back to GB)

3. PA Geronimo: Griffith Brothers Foundation

4. Poncho, Bucky, Boomer Line: Flees Foundation

5. Sundance Line: Borntrager Foundation

6. Patrick Line Borkholder Foundation

My Top 3 using my formula (Cost x Constancy x Marketability equals my results) in no particular order:

1. Max line going thru Marty Graw

2. Reno/Doc/Marlin Line

3. Patrick Line going thru Blazer and Avalanche

Knowing my research results I can now narrow down my search for my perfect does,

You will notice that I bolded my three main objectives: Value meaning investment, cost and profit, constants and marketable.

Leading to my bottom line statement to potential costumers. My mission is to give you value, constancy and marketability in what ever I sell you.

So now you know my formula on how I made my decisions what was your formula?:)
Overall a great post! I just have a couple of differing opinions but regardless, a really great post. You should do well in this business. And yes you are correct, it is a business.

That’s what makes this industry unique. Its opinion driven market not a particular standard. Operating budgets, initial investment and opinions will drive each farmer to his own ending results.
I would love to hear your different opinions. I want to learn all I can. I still am looking forward to my long awaited start-up. I am filling a big folder with all the best info I can find. A personal reference manual.
ahiggins said:
Reading the Ol' Stud vs New Kid thread made me want to give everyone my thought process of how I made the decision on my starting foundation.

I’m no expert by no means but I thought I would share this info with everyone.

I love deer which bought me to wanting to become a deer farmer but we can all agree when it comes down to it, it’s a business.

I begin my research looking into deer farming as a business.

Statements I believe every person thinking of getting into deer farming or is just starting out needs to hear, understand and live by!!!!

(You can never know where your industry is going unless you know where it began)

“It cost just as much to feed a non-marketable deer as it does to feed a marketable one and it’s a whole lot easier to sell the marketable ones because over time they WILL multiple and you WILL have to sell them to someone.”

This is how my decisions on what I was looking for to start my foundation came about.

(Decisions to be made on cost vs. value vs. return)

My goals: To constantly produce shooters (150” to 180”) in a two year time frame, provide marketable does to customers and hopefully producing a marketable breeder buck. With a return of initial investment within a 5-6 year time frame.

Weighted value of goals:

1. Constantly produce marketable shooters.

2. Constantly Produce a line of does that is marketable and easy to sell to end users.

3. Produce a marketable breeder buck. (Needs to be last because research shows it’s odds of investment vs. return being profitable in less than 5 years are very low for beginning farmer)

First I created a Matrix of questions that I needed to answer in this order.

A. What characteristics I’m I looking for and most marketable?

B. What lines are constantly producing scores that I’m looking for in a 2 year time frame?

C. What lines or pedigrees are most marketable and constant producers?

D. Which of these lines will most likely be in my range of purchasing budget?

My research begins by locating all the information that I could get my hands on past and present.

Those being:

1. Auction catalogs and finding price per lot information

2. Whitetail guide. All volumes (Great info for research because not only pedigrees but auction lot prices in the back for that past year)

3. Reading the deer forums, also using the old forum.

4. Watching Whitetail Exchange

5. Talking with people in the industry.

6. Whitetail Quest

My research concluded with the following results:

(Which should not come to anyone’s surprise)

Top 6 constant producing lines in no particular order:

1. Max Line: Waldvogel Foundation

2. Reno/Doc/ Marlin Line: Sipes Foundation (Goes back to GB)

3. PA Geronimo: Griffith Brothers Foundation

4. Poncho, Bucky, Boomer Line: Flees Foundation

5. Sundance Line: Borntrager Foundation

6. Patrick Line Borkholder Foundation

My Top 3 using my formula (Cost x Constancy x Marketability equals my results) in no particular order:

1. Max line going thru Marty Graw

2. Reno/Doc/Marlin Line

3. Patrick Line going thru Blazer and Avalanche

Knowing my research results I can now narrow down my search for my perfect does,

You will notice that I bolded my three main objectives: Value meaning investment, cost and profit, constants and marketable.

Leading to my bottom line statement to potential costumers. My mission is to give you value, constancy and marketability in what ever I sell you.

So now you know my formula on how I made my decisions what was your formula?:)

awsome, great help to us just getting started, thank you
my starterdeer is stretch:D reeds deer plus pj,try to stretch. NEVER KNOW if it,fits might work, BUT OTHERS GET MY EYE , ONE NEVER KNOWS! DC

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